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  1. Last week
  2. Big piece of British bronze from the Birmingham Workhouse - quite possibly the largest numismatic object struck for actual circulation by Matthew Boulton's steam powered machinery - this weighs almost 2.5 ounces.
  3. Citizen H

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    Ahhh.... it seems that Obverse Engraver: Edgar Bertram MacKennal Reverse Engraver: George William de Saulles so only half wrong....or right depending what side of the coin you look at....
  4. Citizen H

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    more from my Silver coin (hoard) boot fair finds over the past 30 odd years. Charles II 1684 4 Pence Standard circulation coin Engraver: John Roettier Rarity index: 40
  5. Citizen H

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    more from my Silver coin (hoard) boot fair finds over the past 30 odd years. George II 1745 Older bust 1 Shilling Standard circulation coin Engraver: John Tanner Rarity index: 25
  6. Citizen H

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    more from my Silver coin (hoard) boot fair finds over the past 30 odd years. Victorian Shilling 1887 2nd portrait; 1st type Engraver: Leonard Charles Wyon, Rarity index: 9 Edward VII Shilling 1904 Engraver: George William de Saulles, Rarity index: 10
  7. Citizen H

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    I happened upon Numista.... when I first join the Forum I was depending on everyone to tell me everything.... I've been experiencing fatigue an its been difficult trying to get things right... I did happen upon Numista that seems a useful place to check out coins an lots of extra information, they lower down provided a Numista Rarity index: and a Bullion value: which is useful to know if buying worn out ones so you don't over pay.... I'm also trying to keep the forum tidy and add to my existing topic rather than keep opening new topic... I hope this help, all the very best "H" oh and thank you for the grading. its nice to know that, as another area I'm not sure about!?!?!
  8. Recut letters - a frequent occurrence on Victorian coppers and bronze.
  9. Peckris 2

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    The engraver was Bertram McKennial not de Saulles. I wonder where you get the R7 from? Quite a nice coin, between F and VF for me.
  10. Citizen H

    Florins, Shillings and Misc .... on going sort out.

    George V 1918 1st coinage 6 pence Engraver: George William de Saulles Rarity index: 7
  11. my local "Antiques Fair" has been far than that, the guy who has a box of this and that coins he keep to one side and normally has some hammered coins the lower end but affordable and hes a great guy to know....second time he didn't turn up and Ive been offered first dibs on some Russian silver coins 1800's since Jan...... another dealer who has coins but its all modern nickels and I dont get on with these... I did find a token but keep me busy ..... a brass Fruit & Bell one arm bandit games token... and I did find at the bottom of it all a King George III 1738-1820 Wellington Alexander Bulcher Peace 1814 Medal..... with out this a waste of Sunday !?!?!??!
  12. Citizen H

    Coppers / misc

  13. Citizen H

    Coppers / misc

    Draw find. Victorian farthings, not of any interest to me so looking to move theses on. PM me if theses are of interest to anyone, cheers "H"
  14. Minor Addition 1840 Farthing I tracked down an affordable upgrade my 1840 Farthing last week, and was about to evict the previous 1840 in the tray, but before doing so decided to have a closer look at the obverse under the microscope. Not sure if these were repairs or just an accident, V over V in Victoria and T I A over T I A in Gratia I'll just have to find space in the tray or start o new one Best Regards
  15. PWA 1967

    More Pennies

    1826 Penny, Rev A, purchased from the Huddersfield coin fair.
  16. Sword

    PCCS Grading

    For this coin type, it might not make much difference in price.
  17. VickySilver

    PCCS Grading

    With the possible exception of when it comes time to sell! LOL
  18. VickySilver

    1953 Proof Halfpenny, OBV 1.

    Hmmm, hadn't thought about the mattes at all, but don't seem to have any others.
  19. Earlier
  20. PWA 1967

    1953 Proof Halfpenny, OBV 1.

    I have since found out the NGC one in my post wasnt in a rare set and was more i only saw the NGC scan on Monday / Tuesday and the only other i could find was in an LCA Rare 1953 Set. Posting on here was a way of trying to find anymore and thank you for your pictures. Today (Friday) i have been told of another one, although as i cant find very many i dont really have a clue. They seem to be very rare but like the 1953 Scarcer proof Halfcrowns possibly more than i originally thought as only been looking a few days and all guess work. Maybe as you saw and bought that one a few years ago, you have seen others since ? Can you tell me which Auction and lot number you bought it from please as its definately Obverse 1 and does look like a proof.
  21. Yes I knew what I had before this post. I bought the coin at a provincial auction several years ago. It was advertised as an obverse I and I agreed. The lot contained the halfpenny only and did not come with a set. I was pleased to be the successful bidder. What are the thoughts on how these coins have come about? Are they from broken up VIP sets?
  22. Peckris 2

    Picture of Jupiter

    Anything's better than that.
  23. copper123

    Picture of Jupiter

    There is a once in a lifetime configuration of planets this evening and along with it aload of clouds insuring we never see it
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