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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Forgive me Sound, but I am embedding your coin image here so I can admire it more readily!
  2. 1 point
    Actually having looked at a few other 1863 Pennies, they do seem to be generally very well struck, I am used to looking at farthings with dreadful rims!! Still a very nice coin, but you will have difficulty establishing it as anything other than a very nice strike, unless it has the mirrored fields associated with proofs, which I am not really seeing in your photos (although it is not always apparent in photos) I will leave you in the hands of the resident penny experts
  3. 1 point
    As opposed to rich kid, bully boy, hypocrite Cameron making his lofty pronouncements from 10, Mount Olympus? Can't disagree with you there.
  4. 1 point
    Becaise its up tot h Scots to decided David. That wouöd be like asking the Welsh to also vote Or the Irish. We're not splitting the Union, we're taking back what was once ours anyway and something which Westminster has tried to keep for over 300 years. Scotland is'nt Englands toy to Play with like they did with the poll tax where it was started in Scotland 1 year before The Rest of the UK. Scotland has been westminsters Guinea pigs for Long enough. What i find interesting is WHY Westminster are resorting to smearing the Scottish "yes" campaign. The sooner we rid ourselves of the bottom feeders that reside at Westminster the better. Ian Duncan Smith, don't even get me started on him. Stephen, we'd welsome England Voting but we'd be too afraid you'd vote to stay in a union. That's just politics nowadays. It just so happens that the three main Westminster parties all support 'No', but for different reasons. Labour and Lib Dems would lose too many MPs if Scotland left the union, so they won't support independence and the Conservatives would much rather have the North Sea oil income staying as part of UK plc, so they won't support it either. It's always about vested interests.
