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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I'm with you there Dave, but for me it's the Tory b******s in the Home Counties who should declare independence and leave the rest of the UK to everyone else including the Scots. Your part of the UK would be a bit short of income if they did. Elmbridge in Surrey (£1.18bn) alone pays more income tax than Glasgow (£898m), Sheffield (£812m), Aberdeen (£728m), Cardiff (£589m) and Newcastle (£443m). Elmbridge in Surrey may have more population, Scotland has a mere 5 million population. The same said elmbridge may have many rich residents compared to the millionaires that reside in Scotland. Bear in mind how much Scotland pays in oil tax. If this was taken into account and it did'nt head into the Westminster coffers then we'd probably be paying more than the UK put together.AC, i mean we as i'm Scottish, whether i can or cannot vote. Being able to vote or not does not determine who i am. oOh and if we combined Aberdeen and Glasgow the combined tax would be more than Elmbridge. 1.6 Billion or so. Wonder how mamy people live in Elmbridge Surrey who work as Stockbrokers or Play Professional Football or who own 1 million pound plus houses. Lets keep it into perspective I thought all the Scottish millionaires live in Germany these days, Dave?
  2. 1 point
    With all that money taken in tax down south, it is little wonder that us oop north can't afford proper coins. Always having to make do with other people's cast-offs.
