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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2014 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Ermagherd. Who ever thought I'd end up here? But .. times change and all that. And as I've just vastly overpaid for this, I might as well show it off ... Not to Brandon's standards and it might need a toothpick to tidy it a bit but .. it is made of copper! And no, it's not a cartwheel. At only 28.3mm - the size of an old 10p/ florin - more of a pramwheel.
  2. 1 point
    The m. is just an indicator that it's a mobile site, so Nicholas is most likely on a mobile phone or tablet. Link's fine, it's a scene from the first Anchorman film. Oops. And there was me with visions of 'Marina' or whoever that Romanian model was whose picture was used in a spam post here, for guys looking for luuuuuurv. I've never seen Anchorman before, but that scene was HILARIOUS!! (Especially as I remember the song..) For the sake of humanity I will happily lend you my Anchorman DVD to watch.. It is the most quotable film I think I've ever seen. Damn, this burrito is tasty but it...is...filling...
  3. 1 point
    Had a quick look on the web. The medal on the silk bow is the badge of the Royal Family Order and is only worn by female members of the royal family. She is wearing the sovereign badge of the order.
  4. 1 point
    Nothing wrong with a bit of wishful thinking.
