Yes, I did. It was an interesting experience. From the start, I would ask them if you can take just part of the cabinet (after 12 months trial) at a reduced rent if sales don't match rent which is always a possibility. I did find that Christmas was a boost. And that commemorative sets sold quite well to 'passing trade' (if you can get year set holders and coins to fill them, that's quite an asset; the coins don't have to be better than average as these are rarely bought by genuine collectors). Apart from that, be ready to be surprised at what sells and what doesn't : there's very little prediction you can do, unless you're lucky enough to have a few regular punters who collect in a particular field. Label your coins clearly, especially the price, and give each one a unique ID number in case there's any conflict at a later date. You'd be surprised how many sellers fail to read labels properly, so make sure yours are absolutely clear. Make sure they send you a monthly statement with a breakdown of every item sold, and be fastidious yourself in keeping good records. Lighting and dispaly are also important, so spend some time setting out your wares to best effect. Your best items or the most attractive ones, should be near to eye level if possible. Apart from that - good luck! It was a very up and down experience, but on the whole I'm glad I did it. Some good advice there, even though this isn't my thread, thanks all the same!