No. He had a thingie shaped like a turnip if I recall ... Yes but that was eventually eaten, remember?! Someone got close enough to eat him?? Haha no, your original post should have been "No. He had a turnip shaped like a thingie". And it's that what was eaten It was actually much funnier than that! : Percy: Well, My Lord, while Baldrick and I were preparing the Turnip Surprise, *we* had a surprise -- we came across a turnip that was exactly the same a thingy! [Percy and Baldrick laugh.] Edmund: [not amused] ...a thingy... Baldrick: ...a great big thingy! It was terrific. Edmund: Size is no guarantee of quality, Baldrick. Most horses are very well endowed, but that does not necessarily make them sensitive lovers. I trust you have removed this hilarious item...? Baldrick: Oh, yes, yes, My Lord. Edmund: Good, because there's nothing more likely to stop an inheritance than a thingy-shaped turnip. Percy: Absolutely, Edmund. ...but it was jolly funny! [laughs more] Edmund: Yes, yes, yes... Baldrick: I found it particularly ironic, My Lord, because I've got a thingy that's shaped like a turnip!Ah yes I remember now!! Classic episode, that's also the one where he has the drinking party in the other room at the same time as the dinner party. And I'm pretty sure he locks the Queen in the cupboard for the whole time too!