Well said Richard. I whole-heartedly agree with pretty much all of that (speaking as a now-disabled person who's been living in terror that I'll either lose my benefits entirely or else be forced to look for work I can't do anymore - which would be even more a reality under UKIP). One thing that this week's 70th anniversary of D-Day ought to do, is make people realise that the European Community was founded (yes, initially only as an economic market) in the spirit of all its component nations getting along together and that war between us should never again happen. Yet in that time, the French remain irrevocably French, as do the Germans, the Italians, Romanians, Irish, Spanish, etc - no nation has lost its defining identity. Just as in Britain - the oldest federal state in Europe - Yorkshiremen, Cornish, Brummies, Scousers, Cockneys, etc haven't lost their separate identities in 1,000 years, apart from there being a Starbucks and McDonalds on every High Street! As you say Richard, there's much wrong with the way Europe is administered from Brussels, but that doesn't mean we should do a Farage-style sulk and get out altogether. Far better that we stay in and help to right the ills, than cut off our noses to spite our face and become an isolated nonentity on the edge of the Atlantic. I'm also just glad that I'm not the only 'Europhile' in this forum.