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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Eeee it's a strange world. After the conversation with no.4 last night, I dug out my old caving logs and did a search on some US names that I'd caved with. The first result for one person was his recent request on a forum to find me following a working trip to Montana in 1982 which prompted me to take my gear and get in some time underground. One weekend we found a reasonable amount of virgin cave but the system was only fully surveyed a couple of years ago. It transpires I had an underground lake named after me as the finder 32 years ago. Who would have thought it? I haven't looked at the logs for over 20 years, which makes the timing a bit spooky.
  2. 1 point
    Picked up this rare 1878 Wide Date Halfpenny. I had been looking for one for a while so it was quite an outlay but I'm happy with it as I haven't seen a better example and even the Nicholson collection didn't have a wide date currency issue
