The cap on the final value fee (the 10% cut you give eBay of the final sale price, including p&p) will rise from £75 to £250. So anyone selling an item worth more than £750 will pay a lot moIncrementally upto 250 Pounds. I think you just hate Ebay And how much do you think a £750 sale will actually cost you? Bear in mind it WAS £75 then ask yourself how much more expensive that same £750 item is now going to cost to the seller, he's obviously going to increase his price to incorporate the new fees. A £750 sale is still £75 fee. Above 750 and you start paying the extra. The rise between £75 up to £250 is incremental, its not automatically £250 for a £750 sale, to pay the 250 you would have to sell an item for £2500. Anyway nobody forces anyone to use it, I like Ebay despite its many shortcomings, it allows me to sell my wares to a world market for around 12% including PAYPAL fees. I of course like everyone would like to pay them less but its not to be.