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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2014 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    After three days of indifferent weather, today's final display was magnificent. The Red Arrows roared over the house at 100 feet (as I found out later) while I sat all unsuspecting on the flat roof. Very close to underwear change time. The show seen from the beach was fabulous, as each aircraft had the freedom and height not available on the three previous days. Apart from the Lanc, the Dak and the Flying fortress the other real highlights were the unbelievable howl of the Typhoon as it beat up the bay and the Heritage Flypast. The Hunter, Canberra & Sea Vixen.
  2. 1 point
    You get a vote to leave the UK in November. I thought you had already done that? Rob, We left The UK in July...not November! LOL! Our General Election is in November. When does the Scotland vote take place? September 18th. Personally, I'm not too fussed which ever way it turns out. If Scotland decides to go it alone, then they will have to be treated as any other small foreign country. I think they are doing something for dogmatic rather than practical reasons. I take the view that the status quo is not worth changing unless you have a demonstrable improvement (say 10% or more) in profitability, living standards or whatever. The upheaval isn't worth a marginal increase, and if even that is in doubt then you should leave well alone. On the plus side, an independent Scotland will be self-sufficient in food for certain as Salmond has a large enough chip on his shoulder to feed the world - that's if he can overcome his own ego.
  3. 1 point
    Florin? I thought he only did shillings?
