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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Thanks Pete & most definately not !! lol.... YAY. That's the North-West sorted out with a slew of anti-Stinky folks (my pet name for the 'orrible 'united). Watch out for scott though - he's that rare beast, a Mancunian AND a red.
  2. 1 point
    Welcome Russ ! I know you will enjoy your time here. I like shillings too. cheers Garrett.
  3. 1 point
    Oh come on - he says he's FROM Manchester!
  4. 1 point
    Hello russ. Welcome to the forum and hope your not a red. Pete.
  5. 1 point
    While conflict of interest may not mean corruption has or is occurring, it is certainly more likely than not! I mean really, propriety is a term with meaning and I for one would not care to be accused of COI. Not good. BTW, I have seen some rather overgraded bits in CGS holders as well.....
  6. 1 point
    Welcome to the forums Russ
  7. 1 point
    Welcome along Russ, do you have a focus to your 'new' collection yet?
  8. 1 point
    Welcome Russ Let us know what your main interests are. Peter
  9. 1 point
    Thank you Paul for your kind comments. One thing I have always believed in is to sell a coin on the same basis as you assessed it when you bought it. I don't particularly care what someone calls a coin as it may or may not be in agreement with my own view. I just try not to move the goalposts. Accuracy and consistency are probably helped if you have emotional attributes of a brick. Society today virtually demands that the populace be nannied and controlled. Everyone has to have empathy with everything else. Laws are continually passed to regulate our behaviour because we are unable (apparently) to do this responsibly ourselves. In a little outpost of the universe called numismatics, we find that some people are brainwashed into insisting that only the views of an anonymous person or two (graders) who say that a coin is so and so good, count. To overcome any residual doubts we may have, an independent body says 'Hey, it really is that good'. The basic problem is one of personal inadequacy, whether perceived or real and the human desire to be loved/thought highly of in which an individual doesn't take a decision for fear of being wrong or being disliked, whether it be buying a coin in this case, or any number of situations that have hit the news over the years. Think major cockups and subsequent resignations after a healthy payout has been negotiated, brushing ineffectual leadership under the carpet etc, where a new broom taking over means that nobody is really held accountable and nothing changes at the coal face. Grade inflation is not only a problem of the unscupulous dealer or lenient grader, but also a problem of the individual who wants to own something that may not be easily achievable, and so we get 'for issue' appended to the grade. If everybody wants a mint state or uncirculated coin, then the market will adjust the grades to satisfy the demand by continuing to call an increasing level of wear mint state, such as MS60 on the Sheldon scale, which may not be as good as a British EF. It has long been obvious that the only way to get eyeballs to view a lot on eBay is to call something uncirculated. It is also obvious that an awful lot of people believe in what is said. Sellers are simply pandering to buyers' wishes. Rant to be continued.....
  10. 1 point
    I know I have only been on here a few weeks but I would just like to say thank you to everyone on here, it is not like the usually forums (full of Trolls), it is full of people who have a love of a shared interest and the generosity of heart to want to share their experience with others. One member on here PWA 1967 was kind enough to send me a large quantity of coin flips which has really helped me get my collection off the ground (nearly done with the 1960's ). But he also sent an album and numerous coin sheets, this came as a complete shock to me but I have been able now to pass it on to my seven year old daughter who has caught the coin collecting bug with me (she collects 'little coins' what ever that means other than stealing what she can of mine). Don't usually go in for this kind of emotional outpouring but big thanks to everyone on here!! Thanks again Peter Jason and Erin
