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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    In the words of P G Wodehouse: "It has never been difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine"
  2. 1 point
    It's a BEAUTY on my screen.
  3. 1 point
    Oh dear, you really need to step back a little - the idea that we English want 'the Scots to pay through the nose for bugger all' is just silly rhetoric, although if that is your genuine opinion then it seems to me that you regard the English with the same contempt that you think the English hold the Scots. That doesn't exactly give you any kind of moral high ground or if widespread a basis for an ongoing relationship between the two countries, does it? As for your quote, well its 3 years old, and things have moved on. What is now a current fact is that a number of large banks around the world have started advising their clients to withdraw their capital from Scottish based institutions. If they act on this, then I've no doubt that the BOE will step in with support, up until independence day, after that well......... As I've posted on here already, I shall be one of them taking my cash elsewhere. As for the way that the English regard Scotland, you need to start looking at things from the English perspective as well as the Scots one. If independence is achieved there will be knock on effects into rUK. If the money markets don't react well, then interest rates will no doubt rise affecting everyone in both rUK and Scotland. Arguments about oil and about currency union won't stop the markets making their judgments. So it could well be that everyone with a mortagage will see a hike in repayments. That has a big knock on effect on the economy, which could then slip back to recession or at best stagnate. All, it has to be said, caused by the 'yes' vote. Whatever the rights and wrongs of it that will build a huge resentment on the part of the English against Scotland, who will have been seen to put their self-interest above everyone else's. Given that situation, there will be no case for the Scots to start bleating if the English don't want to act friendly, who won't buy their goods, who do put up customs borders etc., because that will be the English acting in their self-interest, as we should. This thing will work both ways. Unfortunately, i think most of those who support 'yes' think that everything will carry on as before, everybody will still love the Scots and at the same time they will get everything they want and more from London. In my books dream on. It won't happen. There will be major consequences, at present unforseen.
  4. 1 point
    I think anyone with a double A in the username should pay a £100 just to join
