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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Okay, so I know the map above is a flippant comment, but the more serious question has to be - are there any true borders? Most of Africa, E.Europe & the Middle East have borders reflecting either past colonial land grabs or provisions of the Treaty of Versailles - neither of which paid any notice of the wishes of local populations, or respected ethnic, religious or cultural traditions. New borders cause their own problems - look at the horrors of the relocation of populations between Greece & Turkey, or post independence India & Pakistan. Most separatists dream of a return to their own perceived "Golden Age" - so post Yugoslav Serbia wanted a return to the borders prior the the battle of Kosovo Polje in 1389 (defeat by the Ottomans), I witnessed the aftermath personally in Kosova in 2001 So I'm an internationalist, BUT with a strong belief in subsidiarity. The UK is better in Europe in my view, but England does need urgent decentralisation with more decision making at regional level. Hopefully Westminster will take note of the Scottish result, be interesting to see the parties' manifestos for next year's general election David
