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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    OK, cooking for son at the moment, but I believe there have been pictures posted on either this forum or the PCGS. Obviously it is not just the sheen appearance but the quality of the strike that will count. Also there is the "ON" (Oscar Neiman - sp?) variant with his initials below the bust on rev. I agree about the posting of pictures - a bit tedious but that would certainly help. If of aid you may PM me as well.
  2. 1 point
    I start with eye appeal ... after that I care little whether the state of the coin I am considering acquiring is in the state it is due to circulation, weak strikes, cabinet fiction, bag marks, etc etc, I just decide whether I like the look of the coin, and will enjoy owning and handling it. That does present challenges for some issues!
