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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2015 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Here is a nice clear 1880, 8 over 8 Victorian Penny. The second pic also shows the over punched "O" in the ONE, which is always present on this coin. Gouby has assigned BP1880Af to this coin. I picked it up on eBay!
  2. 1 point
    Mr T, Freeman's survey results are published in his first book The Victorian Bronze Penny (1860-1901). The was privately published by Freeman in 1964 (and again in 1966 as a second edition, which was essentially the same). The survey covered some 50,000 circulated Victorian bronze pennies, of which 15,653 were bun pennies with readable dates. These were mostly acquired via an arrangement where Freeman went through coins collected by a Scottish bus company. This helped insure that they were a fairly random sample of coins that were in circulation before the great interest in pre-decimal pennies that started with decimalization. This is by far the largest survey conducted that I know of, and can never be repeated. This became the basis for Freeman's rarity ratings in his later books. These slim books with only about 38 pages, are scarce today. You might be able to find a copy in a library. Best Regards, InforaPenny
  3. 1 point
    After my German grandmother died several years ago, we found my grandfathers photo journal. It contained pictures taken during his military service in Northern Africa. Besides b/w views at Beduines, oasis, destroyed planes and tanks there were portraits of soldiers as well. Many were ripped out of the album. Only names like Karl, Friedrich, Georg or Gustav remained located beneath empty spaces. My mother told me, that grandpa has never spoken about the war... The war was not over after Germany capitulated. Japan was bombed with atomic weapons and the Baltic people had to struggle with Sowjet occupation again.
  4. 1 point
    Just photographed this, love the tone:
  5. 1 point
    Some of you may remember a Charles I Shilling with unusual legend double-striking that Richard posted a few months ago, and suggested he might be open to offers. Well given my renewed interest in late hammered I have today acquired this coin, which I like for many reasons (Sorry Stu, I know you don't like these!)
