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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    It's a bit of a dark art reading the manual ones! I 'got' my lesson at the boatyard, much to the amusement of everyone present! Not for those of us brought up to use a slide rule
  2. 1 point
    Do not forget the quality of the product. In order to compete against products from low cost countries you have to have an high end product. In a functional market a product of higher quality commits a higher price. In our situation nowbody looks for better quality, everything goes via low price. The fatal message is that product quality (including education) is not worth it... The counter oppinion of that neo-liberal idea is, that employees with sufficient income are solvent consumers. A worker should be able to afford the own products (Henry Ford?). But in a globalized world employers do not care about these things. They try to produce cheaply (eg pay minimal wages, low quality raw materials) and sell them expensive somewhere else. eg Most cars produced in Germany are subsequently exported, no average employee in automobile industry can honestly afford and maintain a brand new upper class BMW or Mercedes. Here in Germany you can find business sectors with very low payment (full time - 40 hours per week), below the official poverty line. These people have to ask for public support granted by the social insurance. Come on you might argue, no person with common sence would accept such conditions. Well... that might apply for a functional, free market. But it is not free, the government applies stress in order to force you in such a contract. The government releases such laws in order to provide cheap working power for its industry. The same thing was tried in countries like Portugal, Spain, Italy or Greece. At least in latter country the people try to defend themselves against such brutal misuse. Now in Spain the left-winged Podemos tries to act and win the next election. We will see if the European people can re-take their continental union from that neo-liberal clique...
  3. 1 point
    Many of Michael's rarity estimates were questioned in the 1980's and 90's. Amazingly, time has shown that many of the questioned rarity estimates have proved most accurate. Well done Michael !! This is proof that your work was revolutionary and timeless. Your books and information were compiled before the internet, so with all of the many millions of bronze coins struck it was inevitable that you did not come across 100% of the varieties now known. Your number one fan, I think that the reader that knocked your work would definitely be rated at R20 !!
  4. 1 point
    Creation of money is no longer the sole right of the central banks. Total global debt exceeds total global GDP, and that debt is increasing exponentially on a daily basis. The reason is Fractional Reserve Banking, which allows private banks to create money pretty much out of thin air. Most Sovereign debt, including that of Greece, exists on paper only.
  5. 1 point
    http://www.omnicoin.com/viewcoin/904544 A little bit of Roman from me. This coin is actually featured on Wildwinds and I got it for South of £15
  6. 1 point
    Reading Michael Freeman's eloquent message I realised that when he first published, he was around 22 years old. All that knowledge in one so young. Bloody amazing.
  7. 1 point
    What ChKy says is true. This debt started out within the banking industry. It is commercial debt that has been foisted onto the public sector. Somehow the Greeks seem to be responsible for debts incurred by foreign banks, UK, German and Spanish mostly. Then there is the small matter of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems bribing a Greek defense minister into ordering 4 nuclear submarines, which were neither needed or delivered. Did the Greeks get their 7 billion Eur back? Have a guess. There has been a concerted attack on the Greek nation with the intent of bankrupting it. Cui bono? Well, if some of the state's assets had to be privatised, this might give a clue: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-new-mediterranean-oil-and-gas-bonanza/29609
  8. 1 point
    Well... all the Billions of Euro spent during this crisis went to the banks in France and Germany mostly. The debts were transfered from the banking sector to public sector. In last consequence the depts has to paid by common people, not in Germany and not in Greece only. It is the same thing all again... My dad is Greek citizen, he is retired (he lived and worked in Germany for decades). He told me about terrible things happening in Greece nowadays. Such things happend in Argentina as well and any other country threatened with bankruptcy. Salaries and pensions were cut down to drastic levels. The health insurance system collapsed. High rate of unemployment, the youth leaves the country. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Everybody has to say Oxi at some point! Greek shipowners do not pay taxes in Greece? Hah! German shipowners do not pay taxes in Germany neither. Greeks become retired in the age of 56? Nonsens! These people are the same age compared to German people when retiring (app 61 in average)! I dislike the German government. First the living standard was decreased for the last 30 years in order put pressure onto the other European economies and to establish a huge low-payment sector whithin Germany. In a type of neo-liberal imperialism the establishment of such low-payment sectors was forced in countries like Spain and Portugal. I call that modern slavery! Politicians are servants of money nobility, they never serve the common people.
  9. 1 point
    Hi Nordle, Thanks for looking! Anything that you are serious about bidding on, do let me know on this thread so I can give you a fuller description! Also, in a couple/three weeks I'll be listing around a dozen UNC halfpennies of G6, a few farthing lots of G6, and a full UNC set of G6 farthings in one go (that should be an interesting exercise)! Got a few more G6 pennies, a half dozen C1/J1 farthings (not overly special), and a few g6 oddsies, a dozen bits of junk, and that's it! Feel like a new man!
