So, following on from, I've been trying to get my head around the 1922 and 1926 pennies seeing as both Freeman's and Gouby's works have been outdated by somewhat recent discoveries. This what I've come up with from my reading here: 1922 Gouby C+b/Freeman 3+B - the regular circulating 1922 1922 Gouby C+c/Freeman 3+C - the so-called 1927 reverse which is actually different from the 1927 obverse 1922 Gouby C+c/Freeman 3+C proof - supposedly struck for 1924 proof sets for the South African government ( though I haven't seen any reference to these coins or their purpose/origins in the literature. 1922 Gouby D+c/Freeman 4+C - one of Freeman's updates ( - anyone know where this was published? A picture was posted at a few days ago too and it appears to have circulated; seems to be the same coin posted at 1926 Gouby C+b/Freeman 3+B - regular circulating 1926 1926 Gouby D+b/Freeman 4+B - regular circulating 1926 1926 Gouby D+d/Freeman 4+C - another one of Freeman's updates (, about to be auctioned () 1926 Gouby D+?/Freeman 4+? - - anyone know when the last sale of this was, or if there are any books/articles that make mention of it? Seems like the F192C mentioned at doesn't exist, or did I get lost in that thread? Also, considering the case of the 1922 with the trident dot, Freeman says that the bronze alloy was set in 1923. Is it possible the trident dot coins are tests of the new alloy? Does anyone have one to do a ring test with, or are the different bronze alloys all similar enough that they have the same ring?