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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2016 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Probably not all too exciting for most of you who have had one for an age, but I've been waiting to pick up one of these for a couple of years now. Another box ticked!
  2. 1 point
    Nice example, better than average !
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Yep http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?page=Pastresults&auc=147&searchlot=2300&searchtype=2
  5. 1 point
    @TomGoodheart @Nordle11 Ricardo, if you click on the date or time underneath the name of the last poster, it takes you to the last post on the last page (whether read or not), which works best for me
  6. 1 point
    He now has a mule although he does question himself
  7. 1 point
    Hi Nordle, I think that I read on here that you purchased the LCA 1904 Penny but just thought I would let you know that a very presentable one is on ebay at the moment for what seems like a reasonable price if you were still needing one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ZD53-Great-Britain-Edward-VII-Penny-1904-NGC-MS64RB-/301852649249?hash=item4647d1e721:g:e6gAAOSw-zxWn3zE
  8. 1 point
    1 down 29 more to go!
  9. 1 point
    Once you hit 200 posts Nons, your editing time dramatically increases
  10. 1 point
    Think this is too oval in shape to be a shield boss so probably another post medieval horse harness decoration
  11. 1 point
    Thanks for that , just purchased
