When I first became aware of this suggested variety I was a little sceptical that it really could be another ‘inverted die’ mistake. Of course there are several established legend error varieties of this type, for example the V/ Inverted A’s seen on the 1860 penny and 1854 Half Penny, also the rare 1861 overdates 8/6 and 6/8, but the positions and distance of the relevant letters on the 1858 penny seemed to make an F/B mistake less plausible. Also the protrusions of the underlying B on the first picture I saw were not entirely convincing. I decided to hold judgement until I could acquire a high grade example; pictures of this coin are now attached.
Shot at 120x magnification the top two pictures are the F and B from the actual coin. I have then lassoed (by hand) the bits of B showing under F, highlighted these in yellow, and amended the image in PhotoStudio to 50% transparency……..this is bottom left. The final stage, bottom right, is an overlay of this picture on top of the B of BRITANIAR.
It seems to me that the protrusions are a good match, and a strong indication that this is indeed a valid error variety, but I would welcome the views of other members.
I have only seen a handful of coins struck from this amended die. If Pete has acquired 3 then I think he has done very well. Perhaps once that ‘Victorian Copper Penny’ book is written he will be able to sell his spares at the same price as say an 1861 6/8!