Funnily enough Rockerfella and Rothschild sold all their oil assets 2 years ago when the oil price was at its peak. These are the people who are influencing and dictating wars and the global economy, they both stated they wanted to invest in renewable energy.
Then we have Gadaffi, oil price is sold in US dollars, Gadaffi wanted to start selling in Dinar, why is there war in Syria, because the rich American families was to drill in the Gollan heights. Did you realise that the Bush family is the most influential family in America? Went to war twice in Iraq by both Bush Sr and Junior, now Jeb Bush is on the presidential trail, it makes you wonder which country is next and how one family can have 2 former presidents in it and a possible 3rd. The oil market is being flooded to keep the price low because some countries such as Russia rely on the revenue, if it's weak then they don't have much cash.
Now America have made a fragile truce with Iran, Iranian oil was banned from being sold on the western markets, now with the truce in place Iran is now allowed too sell it again which in turn will drop the price even more.
There is more to what we see other than a huge and sudden influx of new oil fields, this is a game that's being played out by major money players and most of them are in America.
P.s, I have nothing against our American friends here, I'm just saying that something is getting played out by people who can influence Governments and markets and it seems most of them are in America