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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2016 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Or have they minted more, undermining the value even more? Just got your 2016 decimal book Chris, great work, will have to check all my coins again for varieties I didn't know existed. Ian..
  2. 1 point
    Yes, it's the sort of thing I can add to whenever I get spare time. The concept has worked quite well with the F41 variety. I have received details of an example from a fellow collector (do you have one Jerry ?) and I am already up to 15 pictured examples which matches Gouby's known population, so that figure is beginning to look rather low. I am in 2 minds whether to quote the prices realised for each example - there are pros and cons (not the least being the reduction of the chances of getting a bargain if sellers can see the market !).
  3. 1 point
    I have just replied to another thread and type collector springs to mind. A 1906 1d looks so much like a 1907 1d do you just want date runs? Will your 1906 not be as nice as your 1908? Could you live with this? There are loads of things to consider.The finest examples of any coin will always be in demand.I started off on the date run scenario but now a 'dyed in the wool' type collector. Modern RM issues will burn your £ on a non return basis.The historic aspect of a coin gives me my buzz.Books,internet,fairs and your own research will be your friend. Welcome to the forum of procrastination,bedwetters and thoroughly decent chaps (and chapettes).
  4. 1 point
    Thanks Charlie. I'm going to read the book again and come back for another attempt at passing my grading exam...
  5. 1 point
    Hi Ben, welcome I would suggest you collect what you like the look of. Buy a few books from this site, especially the grading book and try to get to a coin fair if at all possible. I only started collecting last July and the knowledge available here from the long term members is brilliant. I initially started wanting to collect Halfcrowns but I have started to buy whatever I fancy when the budget allows. One of the best bits of advice I was given was buy the highest grade you can. I have a limited budget but try to buy the best I can with it. I am sure some of the more knowledgeable members will be along shortly to offer you some pearls of wisdom Good luck and welcome to a wonderful hobby!
