Bit of a contrarian view it appears, but I'm for in.
I have no real problems with a federal Europe, generally feel that the freedom to travel, simplicity of getting a job and convenience of a single currency are good things, particularly for my daughter's generation who I'm sure see the world in different terms than us oldies.
Imagine the hassle if we had to obtain visas and be anally probed biometrically recorded for each European country we might wish to visit as is now required for the US. Imagine the inconvenience of different purchase taxes/ vat whenever we buy something from a dealer or auction house in Spain or Germany. The loss of the convenience of low cost phone roaming, drawing your pension or receiving free-at-point-of-treatment medical care ... Add to that working time directives, maternity policies/ parental leave .. all covered by EU legislation and things that as an employee I am pleased to see in place.
People talk of 'faceless bureaucrats', but who here could identify many of our UK senior Civil Servants if shown a photo? Our democratic system is based on bureaucracy so to say the EU should be different is daft. Sure, it may not be a perfect set-up, but then what is? I personally think it's better to be in and able to influence things than out and subject to policy changes but without a voice.
Can I guarantee that if we left major companies would move to where it's more convenient to do business? That prices of goods on the high street would go up? That Britain would lose a degree of international influence? No. But those are things I fear. It's not perfect, but it ain't broke to my eyes and leaving won't 'fix' it ...