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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2016 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Well that's me done. Had another look over my bids and keeping my fingers crossed for some good news tomorrow. Good luck to you all and hope you get what you are looking for (unless you are bidding against me)
  2. 3 points
  3. 1 point
    Hi Bob, Members here are not only knowledgeable, but VERY generous with their time in helping out with queries, so don't be afraid to ask questions. I would strongly recommend joining your local numismatic society too, I joined the Tyneside NS about 10 years ago and have learned so much from other members as well as making some good friends with a shared passion. Ian..
  4. 1 point
    Yes that's more my cup of tea, very nice!
  5. 1 point
    Nice little delivery! I especially like the 1831 p.s I cleared the double thread for you
  6. 1 point
    Welcome Bob! Not much else to be said at this stage but enjoy the wealth of knowledge available here
  7. 1 point
    There is still time to have a last minute cheeky bid
  8. 1 point
    It should be showing all the bids received up to the update time. I'd imagine that tomorrow morning, many will convert to "sold".
  9. 1 point
    Welcome Bob. Check out the grading book from rotographic as a good starting point for later milled predecimal. It's a great starter book.
  10. 1 point
    Auction catalogues can be downloaded in PDF form. I started Doing this Last year and saved them onto a USB stick inside a folder, no need to pay out £25 for each catalogue, if there's one of specific interest You might be able to pick it up at a later date through eBay or a dealer. Rob has quite a few of these and also Alan at MHCOINS has started selling some As well.
  11. 1 point
    If you are a regular purchaser you will probably get the catalogues sent foc. Bearing in mind the catalogues have to come out of premiums, there is a lot of pressure to reduce costs. e.g. the reason DNW gave for stopping catalogues was that they had 7 tons of catalogues printed in 2014, which was a huge expense. They also stopped having auctions in the hotel across the road. It went wrong though as they had a lot of regulars who didn't bid. Previously you could combine viewing with the sale, now it requires a separate visit - i.e. it doesn't happen.
  12. 1 point
    On another forum, the subject of understanding the facts of the in/out arguments is under discussion. Here's my cartwheel tuppence worth. There is a simple answer to the question about facts and it goes like this. Firstly, ignore all the financial stuff. The IMF, OECD, ONS etc all get things wrong and so their assessment about financial meltdown can be taken as nothing more than an educated guess. Even they do not suggest total collapse of the economy and a slump to abject poverty. The world and the UK will go on after an exit, and the impact in the longer term will be slight if even noticeable. And if we stay, the same is true. Whatever stupidity the EU and Eurozone imposes on us our world will still go on. In short forget facts about the money because there aren't any, and even if there were, circumstances would quickly alter over time to make them irelevant. Now take some of the other issues. For instance security or climate change. When you think about it both are sideshows, whether we are in the EU or not. The channel gives us a measure of security not enjoyed by the rest of Europe, and as for climate change it seems to me that since we account for about 2% of world emissions, whatever we do, inside or outside the EU, really won't make a blind bit of difference, so again ignore it. This is true also for many other 'minor' areas associated with our membership or otherwise, such as visa free travel, the ban on high energy vacuum cleaners or mobile phone roaming charges. My point here is again that facts don't really matter in the slightest in the grand scheme of things. They are trivia. Does anybody really think that giving people visa free travel arrangements is a good reason in itself for staying in? I could go on and on, but cutting to the chase the only issue you need to focus on is the central and critical one of who do you want to govern you. Whatever you think of the voting system in the UK or the government of the day, history shows that elections can bring change, and thus the people do have a measure of collective say over who governs them. Remain in the EU, and it is a 'fact' that much of the laws and regulations that cover daily life is not put in place by the UK government, but by the EU. Not all, and not in all areas of life e.g education isn't covered. A second 'fact' is that you and I and every other citizen of the EU has absolutely no say in appointing whoever brings about the legislation and the endless flow of regulations from Brussels. You can do nothing to stop it and nothing to sack them. Now this is where you have a choice. You can leave, and have a government that has control over all aspects of national life and which you can get rid if you wish, or you can stick with an unelected bunch of elites who do whatever they wish collectively regardless of the impact on EU citizens, over whom you have no say whatsoever. All the time the EU is doing things that benefit you, you might regard this as OK, but I'm guessing if you were a Greek you'd feel rather different. So this is your stark choice. Do you want us to be governed from within, or do you want to be governed by foreigners over whom you have absolutely no control? Notice that I have studiously avoided the 'I' word, but clearly on the basis of who governs us, control of immigration can only be taken if the country governs itself. Leave and our government decides what immigration is needed and acceptable. Stay and we have no control whatsoever. Choice is yours on 23 June, but the question is simply this 'Who should govern the UK?' For me, the answer is that I want us to govern ourselves. All the rest is just froth on top of the coffee.
