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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Here is the first of last weeks Ebay bargains that I alluded to in another thread. Not bad at all for £9.95 including postage! Jerry
  2. 2 points
    ok then I will raise you, these from the other week £9.94 thats with the postage
  3. 2 points
    Not entirely true. Firstly, the value of the pound now makes exports cheaper and more competitive, and that might play well for the UK at the expense of EU member state suppliers of goods. Secondly, although Sterling has weakened, the Euro is unlikely to fare well the longer we wait to trigger A50 - Italy has already had to sort one financial crisis out. It won't be long before Greece needs another bailout, let alone what then awaits the parlous state of the German banks and the Med states when things get worse. Then there are other states whose citizens might like a vote as well. With a number of European elections coming along the EU politicians want to get on with this, but that's basically because they want stability and to avoid contagion, not because they want to genuinely sort things out. They also, of course, need to sort out where they will get our contribution from in future. Put all this together and while the UK position is weaker than it was last week before we voted, its still got quite a bit of leverage there. It's key leverage is over triggering A50. The UK needs time to get its team together, get a new PM in place and to decide what its stance will be, what its red lines are and whatw e might be prepared to give in return. So, no matter how much Juncker stamps his feet, its up to us to decide and we should do so when the time is right for us. .
  4. 2 points
    An early 1940s florin I noticed graded by CGS and given 78 UIN 0024675 which shows wear in the center of the rose. I think the 1940 florin which is the subject of this thread has significantly less wear in the center of the rose. Seems to me once a coin has been third party graded nobody looks at the coin anymore and the grading is taken as gospel. img.php-u=0024674&f=r&s=f.url
  5. 1 point
    Behave your getting carried away One thing i would mention .....and to other forum members....Keep any good purchase to yourself until you have received it Some grass out there who will try to steal or offer more ....and you never know who is reading this forum......UNDER COVER Believe me ......plenty of sad people......BOOOOOOOOOOO. Hat off JERRY.....have a nice time. Pete.
  6. 1 point
    It certainly beats my previous specimen, a fine example that cost me twice as much! I doubt the other will arrive before we leave for Japan and my boys wedding, so here is the Ebay link. An F25, really quite scarce in this condition, and better than my one that I paid a couple of ton for. All for about £14 inc postage. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331890976914?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Jerry
  7. 1 point
    My prediction - which I certainly made elsewhere and possibly on here too - is that, sooner or later, the EU is going to come back to the negotiating table. Some more concessions will be made and a second referendum on the basis of those concessions will be held. Britain will vote to Remain and life will go on. In the meantime, stocks and the pound are looking cheap. Buying opportunity!
  8. 1 point
    Lots of headless chickens running around at the moment and the pavement is strewn with dummies that have been spat out and toys launched from collective prams.First things first, this was a non-binding referendum so it is now up to Parliament to take the next steps. That means sorting out the political crisis in both the Conservative and Labour parties.Then calm heads in government need to start working through how they want things to happen going forward. And calm heads in the EU need to start talking to the UK government as well. There is a lot to be done before Article 50 notice is given.Some at the EU seems to be in a big hurry for the UK to give notice. That is because they all have elections coming up and are scared shitless of their own Eurosceptics. Others, Juncker to the fore, seem determined to try to punish the UK in a spiteful and vengeful way. Well, screw them. The UK should give notice when it suits the UK and not when it suits them. And until that happens, they need to continue treating the UK as a full EU member, which we are. And, if they don't, we start withholding payments to their budget amongst other measures. Time to play hardball.
  9. 1 point
    Another gap filled last week . Pete.
  10. 1 point
