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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2016 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    No price stated but it Must outstrip The recent Edward VIII Sovereign if thats The case https://www.ngccoin.com/news/article/5394/1344-Edward-III-Double-Leopard/?utm_source=Marketo&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=NGC%20eNews%20July%202016&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWmpjd09HWTVNV1JqTmpZdyIsInQiOiIxampkWjhDNUlxeXVwTGhXZ251eCtod2RZTHJ2aTREMU5qTEU2VThXSzNhTk9BVVgzZ0pZZmZqWXM1ZVB1R2IzRFwvUHUzSXA0akdiRmdWazh6WDBUcmdrRHE3UGpJWTZhSWtZZ1NKaTV3RTQ9In0%3D
  2. 2 points
    Thought it only fair to say what i was sending....No moaning as not costing anything. 1875 Narrow date 8 +H 1876 Wide date 8+J 1873 Gouby BP1873 Aa...but a bit unusual....... 1897 High tide. They are not BU but not washers ,sure worth adding if you dont have them. Keep smiling. Pete.
  3. 1 point
    Looks like a nasty scratch on the reverse, I'ld wait for a better one.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    That's horribly overgraded. I sold this one as a good EF on the grounds it couldn't be unc.
  6. 1 point
    Hi Mick and welcome aboard, There is several storage methods, some of which can be found on predecimal.com, the owner of the forum' personal website for coins and storage options. Some people use sleeves with can be placed into albums, others use round plastic capsules and for the more exotic/expensive items storage drawers, it would depend on the individual and coins you'll go for, here's a few to look at http://www.predecimal.com/lindner-full-range-coin-cases-c-149_158.html http://www.predecimal.com/lindner-full-range-coin-albumspages-c-149_157.html http://www.predecimal.com/coin-holders-coin-capsules-c-149_159_162.html There's also these that some people like, but i'm not sure if they can be opened again after being sealed, best to ask, andy_jack has a good reputation amoungst coin collectors and will usually answer your questions in good time, the above links are from the forum owner who can also help if you leave a message http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-Lighthouse-EVERSLAB-coin-capsules-cases-14mm-to-41mm-all-sizes-of-Slabs-/140874274011?var=&hash=item20ccc2d4db:m:mfHSLSDeDxd91989rd3G8vQ
