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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2016 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    http://blog.moneysavingexpert.com/2010/04/01/april-fools-etiquette-recycling-used-loo-paper-and-more/ http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/banking/2010/04/have-you-got-a-downturn-50p-said-to-be-worth-1000
  2. 2 points
    Hello Everyone who had been following this thread. I have just heard back from HA who had submitted the coin to NGC for re-evaluation. NGC have confirmed that the coin is 'struck and genuine'. Therefore, it is not a cast fake item.I am happy with their findings and can finally put this issue to bed. Thanks to everyone who supported and encouraged me. As for the person who started all this, on Coin Talk, I would say....Hope you have more interesting things to do in life and perhaps instead of writing books you need to do some research first. Cheers!!!
  3. 1 point
    A bit off the wall topic but hopefully it can start something. Over the years I've sent a few freebies to young (I assume) members on the forum. I've also given the local schools some coins when my daughters told me what period of history they were learning about. A while ago a new lady started working with my daughter.Talk went around to families and my daughter mentioned that I collected coins. The lady mentioned her 12 yr old son had been routing through her change looking for the best examples. Basically that is how I started many years ago so I have added my best examples to a pot and my daughter takes these in weekly for him. After a couple of weeks I got a phone call from this lad thanking me and he enthusiastically told me what he had. I felt good for this so I went through my vast mountain of predecimal coins and packaged up coins of every reign going back to William 111 and a couple of hammered and Roman. I snuck in a couple of better coins and some silver together with an old copy of collectors coins. A couple of weeks ago I received a lovely thank you card from the lad. Now it seems I've made a win,win situation as he now makes his parents a cup of tea every Sunday morning so they take him to local car boot fairs. The best thing about it he also takes a couple of pals along who have caught the bug. Apparently his pals parents have now taken up the duty of taking the lads on a rota basis thus leaving Mums and Dads to have some quality Sunday morning times .
  4. 1 point
    I started Jerry as it coincided with my grand daughter being born and just thought i would buy a few to put away until she was 18/21and give me a bit of an interest. Definately not an investment although not totally mad to not hope for the return to be ok for her. Moving on anything i am buying now apart from possibly the odd one will just be for myself. Thank you for the above replies Pete.
  5. 1 point
    At least you now have peace of mind.........
  6. 1 point
    Because people buy the paper and so they have an ongoing business to fund their diatribe. There's only one paper without political affiliation and that's the FT. Sure some journalists are left of centre and others right, but the paper gives both sides the opportunity to air their views. All the others you can bin because they will only ever lean one way or the other, so objectivity is inherently compromised. Another good source of apolitically driven information is of course Private Eye.
