Actually, both the above ticked boxes. The first as an example of a double obverse, and the second as an example of a George II coin.
Notwithstanding that, I have gone overboard keeping the first issue G2 halfpennies with both silver and copper proofs and 1732/1 all falling into the too nice to sell category, a GEOGIVS because I've had it for ages though is only EF, and the 1734/3 retained simply because I have only seen three with the next best only in the good fine ballpark. The 1738 appears to be the second best of seven I've noted so far. There will be more unaccounted for, but it's not that common because I sub-conciously look for them as the variety is clear down to below fine grade.
The 1738 in the April 1986 sale at Glens looks to be better from the description with lustre as well.
For a change, George I. 1719 first issue halfpenny.