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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    It's all wind. All the western countries suffer from the same problem which is that as mature economies they are uncompetitive relative to the developing world. That's as true in the US as it is in Europe. That's why jobs are moved overseas and people feel the politicians don't care. It actually wouldn't matter who is in charge as the situation is outside their control, but the populist rhetoric wins through with the man in the street which is why we see Trump in the position he is at. These pressures will continue until the developing world has mostly caught up with the west, or alternatively our living standards have dropped to meet their advancing ones, as only then will it be economically feasible to relocate a lot of manufacturing back home. That's the price you pay for demanding cheap goods. The US is in a unique position as the World's reserve currency and has been so ever since the gold standard was dropped, but that still doesn't mean that local economies in the US are strong, just that other foreign countries have stashed their vaults full of greenbacks - China anyone? That keeps the dollar high and means jobs are exported, so in a way, what is demanded by the electorate is diametrically opposed to the rhetoric of making a country strong again, whoever the claimant is. For the world's future problems, look east (or from a US perspective west), as China will be the key to world stability. With a sixth of the world's population and an economy reliant on exporting to the west, mass unemployment in that country or region will have huge repercussions if not controlled, with possibly a revolution. Unemployment is already a problem as I understand. Do I have a solution on a global level? No. At a national level I can see a renewed round of competitive devaluation of currencies, but the world wouldn't stomach a 10%+ Rmb/$ devaluation, and this would further exacerbate national tensions in the US, because America would be a little less great in the aftermath. Ultimately there is a limit to what politicians can offer in realistic terms, so the sooner electorates accept this, the earlier countries can take steps to sort out their local problems. Both Trump and Clinton are local problems.
  2. 1 point
    Dave, There's all kinds of "facts" that can be found on the internet... Yet another example .. Born in Kenya
  3. 1 point
    Bill Clinton was President of the United States for 8 years from 1993 to 2001 - and in all that time, the only line I can recall him saying was "I did not have sexual relations with that woman......Miss Lewinsky"
  4. 1 point
    There is a 1946 Threepence on Mark Rasmussen's site. Ref 28/528 http://www.rascoins.com/stock.cfm?from=261&heading=&do=colour&colour=Copper&mainheading=&collectionname=&
