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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    First post in this thread ........ Bought this Edward VII, 1902 low tide for my Edward VII type set.
  2. 1 point
    Thank you for asking them and going to the trouble Mike
  3. 1 point
    Pete - curiosity got the better of me with this issue, and I e mailed the Royal Mint with a FOI request. Today I got a reply, and here a copy and paste of it:- Accompanying the above were two pdf attachments, and one other attachment which is reproduced above. One of the two pdf attachments was an extract from The Royal Mint Annual report 1934 - unfortunately the copy quality is appalling, and I shall request another. But basically, as far as I can tell, what is said above about 1934, echoes what is in that annual report. The second attachment is an extract from Freeman's "The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain". I think we already knew about that anyway. 1934 report 1 1934 report 2 1934 report 3 .
  4. 1 point
    I left in mid-September. I wonder if they've got through another auctioneer since then, or just failed to fill the vacancy. I do keep half an eye on their auctions just in case there's anything there I fancy, but nothing has changed much by the looks of things. A couple of fairly low key sellers with a few lots a week, some headline coins that never come anywhere near the reserve, some safe gold. Generally 15-25 lots a week. I found it a very odd place to work - they were far more interested in number of lots processed per hour than any semblance of genuine expert assessment, let alone building long lasting relationships with sellers, which is what they really needed. They never quite got the idea that if you're running a coin auction, it's the sellers who are putting the show on, not the auction house. Treat your stallholders well, because without them, you're just a half empty village hall on a wet Sunday afternoon I always got the feeling that they thought they knew best, and that the sellers were a bit of a nuisance. To be fair though, I've been self-employed since 2004, so I'd probably be a bit of a handful for any employer! Better off being a Lone Ranger now...
