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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    HAT OFF BRIAN . Nice to see your hard work going to print
  2. 1 point
    An exact same one as above was listed on eBay as a Colorado transport token, but this was an error. I can't find any other exact matches but I agree the 6p is an odd amount.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    What does it weigh? You will need 2 decimal places of accuracy to say if it is correct for a flan for another denomination.
  5. 1 point
    6p is an odd number. There has only ever been a 6d, so begs the question whether it is a TPG-esque rendition of sixpence. i.e. an American transatlantic cruise ship? If it is indeed a cruise ship token, which sounds plausible.
  6. 1 point
    Maybe a token for use on a cruise? e.g. http://coinedformoney.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/1994-holland-america-cruise-line-25.html
  7. 1 point
    Pete - curiosity got the better of me with this issue, and I e mailed the Royal Mint with a FOI request. Today I got a reply, and here a copy and paste of it:- Accompanying the above were two pdf attachments, and one other attachment which is reproduced above. One of the two pdf attachments was an extract from The Royal Mint Annual report 1934 - unfortunately the copy quality is appalling, and I shall request another. But basically, as far as I can tell, what is said above about 1934, echoes what is in that annual report. The second attachment is an extract from Freeman's "The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain". I think we already knew about that anyway. 1934 report 1 1934 report 2 1934 report 3 .
  8. 1 point
    To me it looks like some sort of corrosion, perhaps once treated?
  9. 1 point
    Could it be a Y from a halfpenny die/punch ?
  10. 1 point
    A clean overstrike but is it a V or an over Y and has anyone seen something similar? Y over Y is common but this definitely doesn't look like a Y over Y. Your thoughts please? Thanks!
  11. 1 point
    I've been scratching around in my boxes of pennies, to see if I could find the 1909 penny Mr Cole describes as, quote. ' The upper portion of the area between the plume and the back of Britannia's head is raised up from the flan'. I found this coin in the box, and I assume its the one he is talking about. it appears as a line which runs both below the helmet passing through the plume , and above the hooked shaped part of the helmet. It looks to be a die clash mark, as it follows the same line as the Ghosting of Edwards bust, which shows through on the reverse side of this coin. Terry
  12. 1 point
    The 1960s forgeries were assessed as being 89% gold. However, there are a few pointers which scream dodgy. In the case of the £5 1887, they are about 0.1-0.15g light. The number of milling lines is also wrong at 188, compared to the Royal Mint's 184. The detail is somewhat mushy, and the BP in the exergue is wrong. The die axis is also slightly out, being about 10-15 degrees acw or at least it is in the case of my examples. Attached is a £5 Beirut.
  13. 1 point
    First post in this thread ........ Bought this Edward VII, 1902 low tide for my Edward VII type set.
  14. 1 point
    I attended a local antique fair today, in my weekly hunt for coins. I made a few purchases and made my way to my car. Standing at the bus stop, I recognised a gentleman, who had rented a table at the fair, to sell some banknotes and coins. Knowing that he stayed in the same town as me, I put down my window and offered him a lift home, which he accepted. After a half hour drive, I stopped near his house and let him out. He offered me some money for petrol, which I refused. He insisted, and after rummaging about in his pocket, placed 4 young head Victorian farthings on my dashboard ! My question is.......Am I the last man in Britain, to be paid in Victorian currency, for a job !!!
  15. 1 point
    Here you go gents. Happy reading.
  16. 1 point
    Better than present day money.
  17. 1 point
