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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Shot up to £398 in the last few seconds. A nine bob note has apparently been auctioned by Spink
  2. 1 point
    Peter, I don't disagree but, if Scott wants to see it, there it is FOC. Speaking of tea: A bunch of us were at the Little Tea House in Parkgate this afternoon for chapter the first of my wife's birthday. A no holds barred traditional tea blow out which Mapp and Lucia's Diva could only dream of providing. My being suitably prepared, that Liverpool bloke who wanted to swap some Rizla for a cab ride would have been mightily impressed on seeing how much I was able to shovel down. Oh, and their Rose Earle Grey loose leaf is the biz.
