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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hi Terry, thanks for your input. Yes, agree your 1841 REG: must be an earlier strike with flaws just commencing. To date I have found 9 different 1841 obverse dies, best illustrated by their date style differences, which I do not believe anyone has yet tried to document. I have attached a further picture showing these 9 different date types although I have had to reduce from over 3MB to less than 500Kb to get onto the Predecimal system, so the differences are not as easy to see as would be the case with higher definition. I have ordered these, top to bottom, as narrowest (Date 1) to widest (Date 9) and you can see I have shown Date 5 twice as this is the REG: obverse type with or without the flaw through the date. Date 7 by the way is Bramahs rare 2a variety. Also, the dates / obverses which I have named as Date 6 and Date 9 are two different obverses which are both seen paired with the Bramah 2c variety (repair to the F of DEF). I do find it interesting to use flaws and other 'tell-tale' features to plot a timeline of how dies have been paired, but guess that's serious anorak stuff for most! If anyone wishes to have sight of the 3MB image with these 9 dates then please contact me and I will also be happy to describe the differences if anyone is struggling to see them.
  2. 2 points
    ......and the promised full pictures of my 1841 penny with obverse flaws further developed...
  3. 2 points
    A few years ago I saw something of interest on an 1841 Victorian Penny. Recently I was able to purchase a high grade example with these features of interest, and this now enables me to properly share my find with other collectors of this series. Collectors will know that there are two currency varieties documented for this year, the common type without a colon after REG, and the much rarer type with a colon after REG. When I document coins for my collection I always take note of any unusual features. In particular I note the presence of any die flaws and, with additional specimens, how these flaws may develop as a given die ages. It was by studying such flaws that I discovered that the single obverse die which was paired with the rare 1841 REG: penny was subsequently paired with a reverse die which does not have a colon after REG The combined pictures below show the exact same obverse flaws present with both types of reverse die, the flaw through VICTORIA being more developed, as expected, on the coin without the REG colon. I have examined 17 examples of the REG: variety and only seen these flaws on 3 pieces, suggesting that these are ‘late strikes’ and the obverse die deteriorated quite late in life when paired with the REG: reverse. Also, I do not think this same obverse die was used for very long paired with the REG no colon reverse. I have only seen two examples, although I do not spend time specifically searching for more specimens. For reference, I will follow with an additional post showing full pictures of my 1841 penny without the REG colon. Full pictures of a flawed REG: specimen can be seen on the following link, or by examining the example on Richard’s English Pennies website, should you have access. 1841 (A + a) and 1841 (B + a)?…..lots more work to be done http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?page=Pastresults&auc=142&searchlot=2621&searchtype=2
  4. 1 point
    It is yours for only $3.14 from aliexpress. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Great-Britain-1869-Victoria-One-Penny-Red-Copper-UK-Copy-Coin/32769150518.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.1.Qfk9iu&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_2_10065_10068_10501_10503_10000032_119_10000025_10000029_430_10000028_10060_10062_10056_10055_10000062_10054_10059_10099_10000022_10000012_10103_10000015_10102_10096_10000018_10000019_10000056_10000059_10052_10053_10107_10050_10106_10051_10000053_10000007_10000050_10084_10118_10083_10000047_10080_10082_10081_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10115_10000041_10000044_10078_10079_10000038_429_10073_10000035_10121-10503_10501,searchweb201603_3,afswitch_3,single_sort_1_default&btsid=47364e46-c36c-4480-8e61-ec6b8cdb7d88 Available in a range of dates, along with fake silver and gold Britannias, wreath crowns, Una and the lion.... It is seriously scary to see what is available.
  5. 1 point
    That's pretty interesting, added to the price guide section
  6. 1 point
    Just bumped into this while reading an article on coin world.com This is an American price guide for British coins, how accurate depends on what you collect i guess http://www.coinworld.com/content/dam/cw/coinvalues/foreign/2016/090516%20-%20%20British%20Values.pdf
  7. 1 point
    As you say a £130 coin tops....can often be found in this grade too... The company are supposedly called London Coin Investments...they sound like another Westminster Mint / London Mint type outfit...
