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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    SO, not the best of pictures, I'm afraid, @Paulus has run off with me camera! Anyway, and a huge big thanks to TG for a little short-term assistance, making it all possible, I share with you the first coin I have bought in a year! I'm back, and thank God for that! Edward I Class 1c/a mule, formerly belonging to Jim Sazama, who acquired it, from my calculation, around the time of the J. Mass sale, when he acquired a lot of the short-cross coins from that collection. But that's purely speculation. So, a Sazama penny, sold by DNW lot 300 on 11th June 2014, and it's now mine! I've also got a reference SCBI North 36-7 (I don't suppose, by some wonderful miracle, that it happens to be a plate coin in that reference, does it? I still haven't got, nor can afford a copy of it just yet?).
  2. 1 point
    Can the same be said for the 1b which seems to have attracted attention of the pattern variety?
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    The F105 was a very good coin, I missed out too. Did LCA have a F106? That is another rare coin and well done you for getting it so cheap.
