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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    1844 Third farthing. Not the best picture, but an ok coin.
  2. 1 point
    To be fair I don't carry any more than that and they've been in there a while.
  3. 1 point
    On the left, photo used by Stacks in their auction listing. On the right, coin I received. I think I got the better of the two...
  4. 1 point
    My experience with a recent purchase from Atlas was that their photo did not do the coin justice and understated its beauty. Specifically, it did not capture the toning. The coin was spectacular 'in-hand'. Incidentally, Atlas gives the certificate number so I was able to look at the NGC photo of the coin which was better than the Atlas one. Similar experience with Spink whose photography is generally horrible. Their photos tend to understate the coin as well. My experience with London Coins, on the other hand, is that their photos tend to hide problems with the coin and specifically hairline scratches.
  5. 1 point
    There is absolutely no doubt that the camera does lie. One of the best examples i've seen of this was in the last few months. Compare and contrast the first picture taken by Atlas Numismatics, with the second taken by the buyer a few weeks later:-
  6. 1 point
    Thats just wear in your pocket Jon.
  7. 1 point
    That's better. Put them all into one thread. Now take still pictures instead of a video shot. The moving image makes it difficult to see the coin clearly, and this is exacerbated by the fact that the important bit (the coin) is only a couple percent of the total image area. Most of the available space is wasted. Crop the image almost to the edge of the coin, join the pictures together and you will have a non-moving image of both sides that is possible to examine. At present, it is impossible to comment on any coin because a 20 second video only gives 8 or so seconds per side for the viewer to try and follow a randomly moving spot in the middle of the video. When people scrutinise coins, they are looking for both good and bad points. That can only be done with a stable image and may take minutes to consider. Mobile technology is a wonderful thing (or so I have been told), but convenience usually comes at a cost, which in this case renders close examination of the coin impossible.
  8. 1 point
    Bored. Not strictly copper, but I'm not going to make a 'Let's see your bronze' thread. ex Clarke-Thornhill 835.
  9. 1 point
    I got the 1860 F15 Gouby G (no line) for £110 and the 1863 3 over 1 at less than I expected to pay for a nice example. Those were all I bid on. Will post photos when we are sorted here in the new house. They didnt have enough power points in the sixteenth century and it will be months before the electrician comes to stay. Jerry
