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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2017 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    High sorry to hear this. I don't slab my coins so don't use any grading services but I do occasionally converse with french people. I use google translate to write my message's then copy and paste the translation into an email. You could try using that then fire an email off to them in French. Hope this helps. Stu.
  2. 1 point
    I'm not with PCGS, but is there any way you can get back to the part of the organisation which gave you the complimentary tickets, and explain what happened. See if they can help. Alternatively, you could try their feedback facility or send an e mail to info@PCGS.com. As a matter of interest, why did your coins have to go to Paris to be graded? What's the set up with PCGS? Do they not have a London office? It's a bit of a joke that the Paris staff can't speak English. What a shabby outfit.
  3. 1 point
    From the collection: A rare and interesting Alfred the Great (871-899) Lunettes Penny. Obv: "+AELBRED:REX" Rev: "MON EDELULF ETA" Canterbury mint, moneyer Ethelwulf. GP.1,VAR. 2B, Lunettes A REV. Found in Danelaw '5 Boroughs'. Roxholme near Cranwell, Sleaford, Lincolnshire in 2016 (Recorded with Fitzwilliam Museum). Possibly a coin paid as 'tribute' to the Viking Great Army. Small amount of marginal flan damage but the portrait and title are intact and the coin is very stable with no further cracking. A coin which I am currently looking to move on so if you are interested, don't be shy! Cameron
  4. 1 point
    Anglo-Saxon coinage is indeed a fascinating period of study, and in my opinion a under-appreciated area of numismatics when compared to say Bronze Pennies. However even though few people on the forum do collect to this period I still enjoy sharing what would normally just be kept in my cabinet for 'my eyes only' as it were.
  5. 1 point
    From the collection: Obv: Small cross pattée with a pellet in each angle, "+CVNNETTI" around. Rev: "CNVT REX" around patriarchal cross, with a pellet in angles of the smaller cross Minted in the Viking Kingdom Of York c. 895-902. Double struck. Cameron
  6. 1 point
    Many years ago, when I had a local dealer to go and chat to over the lunch break, I recall talking to him about cleaning coins and he told me about a seller who knew nothing about coins, but had brought in a very nice and expensive collection of early milled in good grades. The dealer agreed a price and the punter brought the coins back a day or so later to seal the deal. Unfortunately, in the meantime, the seller thought that the dealer would like the coins to look a bit better, so he cleaned them up with silver polish so they were 'nice and bright and shiney'. Much to his horror the dealer told him he didn't want them, but was prepared to offer 10% of the agreed price for them. Exit one very crestfallen seller. Moral - don't do anything to a coin unless you know what you are doing, and certainly not before selling them!
  7. 1 point
    I recently acquired this Penny of King Edward though have not been able to work out which class it represents or even which Edward for that matter. I know it was minted in Bristol but that is the extent of my knowledge. I was wondering if anyone could help me in identifying this coin?
  8. 1 point
    Hi Adam !! this is quite easy Henry III long cross penny London ( monnayer Nicole ) Class IIIb ref : Spink 1363 ; Stewartby IIIb page 106 . Matteo
  9. 1 point
    Both copies. People often 'find' these on sites when detecting, particularly those who sell on ebay. You might ask your partner if she is telling porkies about where she found them.
  10. 1 point
    I'd also like to share Robert Page's site - it's definitely worth bookmarking: http://www.henry3.com/
  11. 1 point
    VLARD ON CANT, so Cl.2-4b i.e. Richard I. Struggling a bit with narrowing it down further though due to no detail.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Look good to me. A Pointed Helmet of Hereford (not the commonest) and a Sovereign Eagles of Winchester (I think - needs a clean). Presumably found close together? The two types followed each other chronologically and look kosher, so I don't thiink there is any reason to be suspicious.
  14. 1 point
    Henry VI Annulet Issue of Calais. Dates to 1422-30 but badly clipped. Should probably be able to realise around £20.
  15. 1 point
    Please note. I have in the past bought coins from a chap called Keith Chapman who trades as anglosaxoncoins.com I know of no reason to think that he is at all associated with the above company.
