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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Hi all. I'm Geoff Halfpenny (yes, that is my real name), a new guy here. As you might guess, I collect... Half pennies! I have recently been doing some identification of my set using Michael Freemans book. I have run into a problem that I could use some help with. I am presently identifying my 1958 Half Penny coins. Freeman has 3 (not including the proof), numbers 479 (die 3E), 480 (3F), and 481 (3G). The three reverse dies are the obvious differences. From Freeman's book, he describes Reverse F and G as follows: Reverse F (1958,1963) Similar to reverse E, with long border teeth, but the rim is slightly narrower, and the width of the ship at the widest point is 21.2 mm. The lines depicting rigging are slightly thicker. Reverse G (1958-59) Similar to F, but with slightly thicker rim and shorter border teeth - the length of each border tooth is slightly less than the width of the rim, whereas on reverse F, it is slightly greater. The width of the ship is the same - 21.2 mm. From this description, the only way to tell these two dies apart is the tooth and border features. Freeman pictures a 1963 Half Penny as his example of die F. I also have that coin, and here is where I ran into my problem. The problem is in this part of the description: the length of each border tooth is slightly less than the width of the rim, whereas on reverse F, it is slightly greater. What I did was take a close-up picture of my 1963 border in order to have a study picture from which to identify my 1958 coins. Here's that picture: Anyone with a ruler can check and see that the teeth are shorter than the width of the rim. It's not much, but it is shorter. That seems to contradict Freeman's statement that the teeth should be longer. The question then, obviously, is Freeman incorrect? Thanks for the help!
  3. 1 point
    I have an 1812 I am happy with
  4. 1 point
    Should be M25. M8 is Cheetham Hill.
  5. 1 point
    'ere. Wot u doing back again? I thought we'd lost you forever. Welcome back
  6. 1 point
    Right half way through my fine to AUnc 1958 halfpennies and have found at least 5 different teeth to border variations. I used percentage size of tooth to border ratio and found the following from the first 12 coins : 70% x 1; 75% x 5; 85% x 3; 94% x 1 and 102% x 2 (give or take 1%). I believe the 94% teeth to rim coin to be a Type G and the 102% with teeth larger than rim Type F. I maybe well off but would appreciate any input. There is definitely lots of variation.
  7. 1 point
    I looked at these variations some years ago, and sort of came to the conclusion that there might be four types , though the differences are so slight that it's hard to be totally sure, any way I scanned all of them and placed sections of all four together for comparison . Terry 1 has a narrow rim with the shortest teeth 2 slightly longer teeth with slightly wider rim 3 is very similar to 2 but the teeth do seem a fraction longer 4 has the longest teeth and widest rim
