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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    my first full one, i have it down as Richard I the museum people said 4b john when it went of to be recorded , Reinavd on cant
  2. 1 point
    Contacted seller and told him we thought it unethical not to make (daft) bidders aware of this. With three hours to go the listing has been amended and the words 'superb copy' have been added. Very shoddy behaviour.
  3. 1 point
    Ah, I didn't read the date on the title and thought it would be a colonial cob, which weights were all over the place... But being a relatively recent Madrid piece, it should definitively be standard, so all alarms ring with the underweight. Take a look at acsearch - all examples are around 6.60 - 6.68g I am no expert at this, but the king's portrait and tie look wrong, on the soapy side. More importantly your coin's rim is not right. It should show raised indentations more clearly. I can't see the actual edge, there should also be a chain of diagonal grooves all around the edge that overlap at some point, most fakes fail in this area. So it looks fake to me, but I'm only a collector with limited knowledge of gold coins of that period. Is the dealer still active? Maybe he will give you a refund without much fuss. I paste a couple of examples for your comparison. VF: EF:
