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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    Nice coin. Nothing wrong with pecks. It tells a story. I keep meaning to buy one of these myself but get side tracked by other purchases. Definitely on my near future list though.
  3. 1 point
    Here's the coin in question ... the reverse it a little pecked, but I like the bust of Aethelred - looking every inch like a confident imperial Roman warrior copycat!
  4. 1 point
    Great thread, we should at least get to see the coin now?
  5. 1 point
    Thanks Rob, I did wonder if it was the same moneyer Saewine doing the rounds throughout the west country... it never even crossed my mind that it could be several generations of Saewines working as moneyers, but it makes perfect sense now. I had three generations of my family working as pavers in Lichfield during the 19th century - and incidentally they all had the same name. It initially confused me when I was working on my family tree, but I soon learned it wasn't uncommon for children to follow their own fathers into the same trades as young apprentices. Re - the five types: for some reason De S. Shortt missed out Aethelred's 1st small cross type and 2nd hand type so I'm not sure whether he was using an early classification that's now changed. I was initially concerned as the Aethelred penny I've just bought had an old ticket classifying it as a type IV (Long cross, Saewine on Wilton), which according to Shortt's table, Saewine didn't produce! (I've attached the ticket). I've often thought about the sacking of Wilton in 1003 when I'm sat in the cafe in Wilton over the Summer holidays, and how the moneyers relocated to Old Sarum (Salisbury) which was better fortified. I'd love to find out the exact location of the Wilton mint, but our library and local history museum can't shed any light on it, not like the nearby Salisbury mint, which is well documented. There's been some excellent papers and books written about some of England's mints, but not a great deal about Wilton.
  6. 1 point
    I wonder if this is his mate lol http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/default-world-war-1-lord-kitchener-/122748409985 Did he mean Faulty?
  7. 1 point
    https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Henry-Silver-Hammered-Metal-Detecting-Find/292287951882 ? His feedbacks worse than his photography.
  8. 1 point
    It's certainly on the agenda, Rob. I do feel I'll more likely be travelling backwards from the Plantagenets, rather than forward.
  9. 1 point
    Why don't you look at 10th century pennies from EdE to Ae2? They don't seem too hot at the moment and there is plenty of scope for discoveries to be made.
  10. 1 point
    Sorry, I don't have the book. What are the 5 issues listed for Ae2 and which one is Saewine missing? I'm guessing it is Helmet following the sacking of Wilton in 1003 and the relocation of the mint to Salisbury? It surely has to be three generations involved. Ae2 ruling for 37 years is compact enough to be a single person, but with a break until EdC type 7, you have a gap of 40 years, so grandson seems more likely (if relevant). Locations in the interim (Cnut to H'cnut) with a Saewine listed are Bristol, Exeter, Leicester, London, Lydford, Oxford, Shaftesbury, Totnes and Winchester, so one moneyer located in the west and travelling around. with only Leicester and London as outliers suggesting a second person. The two EdC issues involved imply a considerable increase in mint output if the number of moneyers was increased from 2 or 3 to 6. From the table, EdC hammer cross to W1 first issue, you are looking at a gap of only 4 or 5 years before returning - assuming we are talking about the same person. For the period from Sov Eagles to William 2 type 3 is another 35 years. It must be the grandson if descended from the first. North only lists 6 mints with Saewine during EdC. Wilton, Winchester, Bristol, Exeter, Leicester and Northampton. This almost certainly refers to 2 moneyers, with one located in Wessex and the second on the Mercian border. The locations listed in North with S(a)ewine during Williams 1 & 2 are Exeter, Gloucester, Leicester, Northampton, Wilton and Worcester. The continual employment of Saewine at Wilton from William I type 1 to William 2 type 3 might imply a third person of that name doing the rounds. The only missing one is Sword type which is a rare issue in any case. Although North is dated as a reference, the list is complete enough to give a reasonable view of who worked where and when.
  11. 1 point
    I can only guess that the buyer desperately needed a 1c for the collection? there does seem to be a rise in the prices for quality Plantagenet coins? I might've joined the party too late. Back to G6 it is, then! ?
  12. 1 point
    That gives it some perspective I guess? Still far too much money for ugly coins, 1a or not! It's looking like a worthy example is going to sail way over £1.5k according to these two previous examples?
  13. 1 point
    This is the sort we're all looking for
