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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello everyone :) I intend to release a few coins for sale on ebay next month, including this rare coin, and before this I put here some pictures. My coin has one tooth in the upper part of figure 2 from inside, which I'm not sure I see in the book of the Michael Gouby and in these two auctions: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Victoria-Penny-1862-1-Satin-38A-J-G-Only-2-Known-In-VG-Extremely-RARE-UNC-/332373179417?nma=true&si=bav5dBg3kMbkfo8pUfZNSrDDbNY%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 http://www.londoncoins.co.uk/?page=Pastresults&auc=144&searchlot=1837&searchtype=2 Is any of you able to confirm that my coin is the same as these two and as this on the Michael Gouby book? Thank you.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Nope. Nowt subtle about it at all.
  4. 1 point
    No No not so mon amis I re-joined my old group "Pre-decimal British coins buy and trade only" (no decimal coins allowed ) . Admin is Peter MCclelland he has his own website Britannia coins
  5. 1 point
    He could do with buying Chris’s new book, for a bit of practice The Coin Colouring Book
  6. 1 point
    Just search for 'English coins' and 'predecimal' and the groups should pop up. I know most won't ship abroad. I had an awful experience with a Canadian on there a year or so back so will not ship over there. One or two will ship abroad such as Martin Platt.
  7. 1 point
    Congratulations for all your nice finds you're lucky to be allowed to do it ! This last denarius is really nice , if I am not wrong should be this http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/sear5/s6605.html#RIC_0629
  8. 1 point
    Great informative replay, thank you Jester!
  9. 1 point
    You only have to type in rare error and it is frightening how many there are . Or I should say are not errors at all just scammer bait. Perhaps they should change the name to Ebait lol
  10. 1 point
    Thanks for the feedback Pete. Yeah, I figured while I look for the right Low Tide Halfpenny, I'd pick up a nice High Tide to fill the 1902 Halfpenny spot. One thing to keep in mind is while the 1902 High Tide may be common and can easily be found in high grade /well struck quite cheaply in the UK, it's a different story on this side of the pond. And while I do enjoy buying from British dealers, the trans-Atlantic shipping can sometimes make it more cost effective to pick up something like this example from a reputable American auction house like Heritage (the winning bid was $32 [£24.44] before the juice). Think about Morgan Silver Dollars. I could make it rain Morgan Silver Dollars if I wanted to but from what I understand, they're a bit harder to put hands on in Europe. Not saying you can't get them but I can walk in any LCS and they'll have a large selection. Trying to find this 1902 Halfpenny though in my neck of the woods could be an exercise in futility. Pricing can vary depending on what you want. The slabbed/graded 2017 1/10 oz Gold BU Libertad I shared in another thread had the special Mexico label (an extra $5) and a scratch-resistant slab (an extra $5) on top of the standard grading fee of $17 for Modern coins (US or world coins 1955 to present [no patterns, die trials, etc.]. Maximum value $2,000). Plus a standard $8 handling fee plus return postage. I was essentially prepping that coin for marketing knowing what spending a bit more might yield in return. For the numismatic coins we collect, you'd select the Standard grading tier (All US or world coins. Maximum value $3,000/each) and that's $35 for world coins along with the $8 handling fee and return postage. I usually select the standard brown label without the scratch-resistant slab option to keep costs down. So it can be pretty costly to submit one coin at a time for grading but some of the costs (the handling fee and shipping) can be dispersed if larger submission are made. That's one of the reasons The Silver Forum puts together their group submissions that brings shipping down to a negligible amount and the handling fee pretty much disappears. If we look back at that 1902 EdVII Halfpenny I picked up, I paid $51 all in. If I had a raw specimen sent in for grading 1) I can have an educated idea what it should grade at but as we've recently discussed, there are no guarantees and 2) it'd cost me conservatively $40 just to have it graded. So picking up a nice MS 63 RB already graded for $51 shipped was worth it to me. I hope that helps. Thanks again for your feedback Pete. Always a pleasure talking with you! Have a great Friday afternoon.
  11. 1 point
    When any coin gets graded like this I always ask myself the same question, how much is the plastic case worth? The answer is not a lot (in real terms) so I always avoid these 'professionally graded' examples. You are often paying a large premium for not a lot and I know many dealer friends who, upon getting a coin like this, break it straight out of the case. As for the coin, there are certainly nicer examples out there but those would certainly command far higher prices. As someone who dabbles in proof sovereigns, I would say wait out on this one.
  12. 1 point
    Hi , below is my 2+e 1909, as you said the 1 in date should be directly over the tooth, but also the right side down stroke of the N in ONE should point to the gap between the teeth. Terry
  13. 1 point
    It's a contemporary copy. I've sent you a PM re images. What is the weight?
