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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    The Obverse die or pile ( the one that has more complex design - usually the portrait) is the one that has the locating spike. The reverse die or trussleis the one that takes the hammer blow and is the one that wears way quickly ( usually the die reduces in length by approx. 8 mm every 1000 coins). easy to remember Trussles in the hand , piles on the bottom
  2. 2 points
    rather battered and bent but i managed to straighten it found a while back
  3. 2 points
    It's a cast replica. It's marked with the little heart shape to the left of the portrait which shows it to be a replica. That's why its mushy looking and lacks detail. Sorry http://trade.ancestors.co.uk/products/timeline/coins/saxon-norman-william-i-penny-2023-6
  4. 2 points
    Is this a new variant? Sorry, been to the pub lol
  5. 1 point
    I have a PAXS penny where I've been trying to establish the mint and moneyer but struggling to interpret the lettering. If anybody with familiarity of this coin type can help, that would be great. Thanks in advance...
  6. 1 point
    Here goes. first full coin. 1.King John class 5a Ricard.on.nicol Lincoln. full coin 2. Henry III believe I can see EN on CAN Wilen on Can Canterbury. 3.Henry III class 7c Nicole on Can Canterbury 4. Henry III class 6c to 7a Walter on Can Canterbury 5. Henry II class 1a Almer on lunde London
  7. 1 point
    Very true! New discoveries come to light all the time. There could be a hoard sat buried with a new moneyer or moneyers in it. You never know.
  8. 1 point
    Made me look at the thread ZOO i thought you had found a finger penny
  9. 1 point
    It's amazing to think that something as massive as a new moneyer could still exist out there!
  10. 1 point
    Is this lot above board and what is the small writing about on the obverse of the shilling? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/silver-coins-charles1-and-2-george-3-and-old-long-cross-silver-coin/122797190412?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649
  11. 1 point
    I believe its a Henry VI half groat. Canterbury or Edward IV half groat. But get a second opinion.
  12. 1 point
    Yes its called the R over Almost a B in BRITT
  13. 1 point
    Yes, Zoo, that is a nice one....The reverse almost has that pickled appearance where the planchets were sometimes acid bathed to increase the surface percentage of silver. Nice!!!
  14. 1 point
    Working from right to left Your spot on with the ID of the first full coin. Its a 5a2 of Ricard under John. The other full one i can't make out. Middle one is Henry III Nicole London. Looks to end VN i think. The second to left i cannot say for sure. I'd need a better image so I'll skip that one. Last on left is Henry II Alain London so you were almost right with that. It is class 1a5 or 1b1. Overall you've done very well for a first attempt. You may well be correct on the two i skipped. I'd need better images.
  15. 1 point
    No, the detail will have been entered using the individual punch components in the correct place, with a small allowance for position from die to die. What has happened is that it takes a few blows of the hammer to make a coin from the finished dies, particularly in the case of those on a larger flan. If either the dies or the blank move relative to each other between blows, you can get what is termed a double strike. It is quite common for this to occur, in fact a cleanly struck large module hammered coin is a very desirable thing. The attached shows the effects of multiple hammer blows. 5 blows were required to strike the coin - the obvious angled parts top and bottom, together with the centre band which is similarly (but less obviously due to lighting conditions), angled on both left and right. The bit in the middle is flat. It also shows that the blank moved a little between strikes as indicated by the discontinuity in the inner circle by the horse's rump.
  16. 1 point
    The first coin Ricard on Nicol looks very much like ficard, but can't find that moneyer. so must be Ricard.
  17. 1 point
    EBAY ITEMS AS LINKS.... SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE...... 1848/7 Great Britain Penny ANACS MS-62 BRN VERY SCARCE 1861 F-32, Obverse 6, Reverse F, RARITY-16, GB Penny - PLEASE READ!! EXTREMELY RARE 1873 UNLISTED in FREEMAN GB Half-Penny Obv 8, Rev C# EXTREMELY RARE 1875 F-322A Obv 13, Rev J, GB Half-Penny ANACS AU-50 R-17 RARE 1860 F-10 N/Z VARIETY N over Sideways N GOUBY-1860-J - PLEASE READ RARE 1861 F-282 HALP HAL"P" PENNY F/P ERROR OBVERSE 7 - PLEASE READ!! RARE 1874-H F-69 Great Britain Penny- Obverse 6 - Reverse I - PLEASE READ! 1861 F-25 Great Britain Penny - Obverse 4 - Reverse G - Rarity 12 SCARCE 1861 F-278 Obv-7 Rev-D Half-Penny R-16 1862 F-289 6/6 Recut 6 Great Britain Half Penny RARE 1860 GOUBY V (SATIN-20) MIS-ALIGNED COLON DOTS Penny RARE 1860 GOUBY V (SATIN-20) MIS-ALIGNED COLON DOTS VARIANT Penny 1845 Farthing - Great Britain - See Images RARE 1897 F-148, Gouby-C Great Britain Penny - PLEASE READ!! 1881-H F-108 NGC MS-64 RB GREAT BRITAIN PENNY - PLEASE READ 1885 F-121 - GOUBY 1885-Ag RECUT LINEAR CIRCLE BELOW DATE - NGC MS-63 RD 1860 F-17 OBV. 6, Rev. D GB PENNY - SCARCE IN DECENT GRADE - PLEASE READ!! ANOTHER VERY SCARCE 1861 F-32, Obv 6, Rev F, RARITY-16, GB Penny - PLEASE READ 1902 F-157 HIGH TIDE Great Britain Penny ANACS MS-63 BRN RARE 1861 F-272 Obverse 4, Reverse F - Half Penny - Rarity-17 1898 Gouby-B LAST 8 DIFFERENT Great Britain Penny SCARCE 1864 F-49 PLAIN 4 GB Penny R-9 VERY RARE 1860 F-268A Obverse 7, Reverse D Great Britain Half Penny R-19 SCARCE 1861 F-20 Great Britain Penny - Obv 2 - Rev G - Rarity 12 1918-KN F-184 - GB PENNY - NICE COLLECTABLE CONDITION - PLEASE READ! 1896, 1900, & 1901 Great Britain .925 FINE STERLING SILVER SHILLINGS 1798 COPPER RETRO PATTERN CARTWHEEL TWOPENCE
  18. 1 point
    Notice alibababa coin they use a C for a G lols
  19. 1 point
    Really he only had to look at the B in Britt and see how long the bottom serif is the upward curve would start much later nearly where the right leg of the R starts to curve?
  20. 1 point
    They are indeed. If only they could tell stories. I often wonder whose handled them in the past. Fascinating hobby. Best of both worlds detecting and collecting.?
  21. 1 point
    streaky lustre but still attractive ,no wear and only a few marks
  22. 1 point
    Interestingly I often wondered why the slower technology of making separate molds and casting when the much faster technique of striking was available Then I tride making a Thurrock style die set and blanks of potin ( high tin bronze) the first blank struck effectively destroyed the dieface as the potin seemingly shattered ( like sticking a glass blob) I then realised that the only way to use potin as a coinage metal was to cast the coin !
  23. 1 point
    The reverse is not so nice [Walter on LVN], but nevertheless it's always good to have an ex-Mass in ones collection
  24. 1 point
    I haven't. I was leaving it for a month to see what interest there was in the thread once no new posts were being made. Between the 25/5 and 21/8 it looks like about 50 visits, so 2/day. Not wonderful as it implies random views as opposed to research, but better than nothing. FARTHING SPECIALIST (John Minshull) Paper envelopes, 57mm square.
  25. 1 point
    Which is why my lifestyle is much simpler. I only have to worry whether the coin is attractive or ticks a Hobson's Choice box, and if it suitable for either the collection or for resale, is the price right. There is a huge sense of deja vu with these circular arguments. People seem to fall into one of three camps. 1. Those that blindly follow the TPG view. 2. Those that recognise the system has its shortcomings, but accept them for what they are, and 3. Those that recognise the system has its shortcomings and don't accept the TPG view has any validity.
