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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I have been studying 1887 sixpences for fifteen years and can confirm this as a recognized variety. You should see from the coin that the Rs all have both serifs left and right at the base of the upright so this coin is a variety of the R over I that is in most books. If you look at the R in BRITT: you should be able to see the R/I very clearly. This is a distinguishing feature of this die variety which has come to be called A over A but, as pointed out, it could be an inverted V. The specimens I have do not show a bar to the "A" but you will have noticed how weak the strike is from your own specimen. They turn up from time to time on ebay and fetch fairly normal prices but then most people don't know what they are looking at. In a survey of 1,518 sixpences I have found 5. I don't look for them any more. Extrapolating this would give a mintage figure of 12,107. Given You have one and Nick has one the sample then would indicate 17,000+. It is most likely this pair of dies had a normal use and so the actual figure would be more like 30,000. Well done on spotting it. There is a specimen in The Royal Mint collection RMM8457.
  2. 2 points
    I would say that this 1841 halfpenny, which is currently listed for sale on the Colin Cooke website, is an ex-hoard coin.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    For a really expert opinion, I'd recommend that you try here: https://www.coincommunity.com/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=7 Contributors to that forum have literally written the book on these coins. The man you need to ask is called swamperbob
  5. 1 point
    In the bottom of the email there is a link to your unsubscribe prefs. It's cleverly not very large and very poorly identified, but should take you directly to your options.
  6. 1 point
    A great number of 1887 sixpences have amendments to the Rs in particular. The A over higher misplaced A is known about, but not listed in any of the usual references. When I first saw one, I thought it interesting enough to find one for myself. I would imagine a similar value to the R/I variety. Having looked at my example again, it could easily be an inverted V as there is no obvious sign of a crossbar.
  7. 1 point
    Yep they did that with me too on an 1860 Mule Freeman 9 Penny ...came back as an ordinary F10 ...which I still have btw if anyone wants to buy it.
