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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2018 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    I'm slowly building a more general Collectors Reference on my website. It isn't intended to be as detailed as the more specialised sites mentioned, but it does go to the level of Freeman and Davies. I've done 1911-1967 so far, and will get around to E7 soon I hope, and eventually it'll go even further back. Here's the George V shilling page, for instance. http://www.declanmageecoins.co.uk/G5S.html
  2. 3 points
    Hi Guys, Had five hours metal detecting today in a freezing cold blizzard but rewarded with this Henry VIII Groat. Shame about the scratches but still a nice find. I think its spink 2337E rose mint mark, please put me right if I'm wrong. Its 24 mm across and 2.7 g is the coin slightly heavy or is it normal. thanks for any help.
  3. 3 points
    Common coin, remember over 145,000 Edward pennies have been found in hoards alone never mind the thousands found every year by detectorists. This, I believe is a south-sea bubble style price rocket and there are going to be a lot of disappointed people about when the price collapses. Fortunately the prices in dealers trays and in London Auctions are only slightly inflated. Attached is photo of 3 pennies - class 2 and 3a&b Edward pennies The class 2 and 3 b acquired at York yesterday for £30 and £70 The high price for the 3b is that it is a unique variety of London 3b with the drapery entered twice below the bust. I also include a similar coin of 3a with double drapery acquired from Spinks for £50 on my last trip to London similarly unique. Will post these in the unpublished section later
  4. 3 points
    Nice coin Gaz, I was out detecting yesterday in the rain, no blizzards down here in Sussex. I managed three hammereds . Been going through a bit of a lean patch as regards decent finds so was pleased with yesterday’s finds. An Edward I penny,a short cross, think it’s Richard (osber on Winc),and a cut half short cross in very poor condition.
  5. 1 point
    Hi Sorry about the scan it does not do this coin justice. I have searched for the same reverse of my coin but to no avail. Would there be a reference to the spelling mistake. EXCULTABITUR. IN. GLORIA. My coin has the Excultabitur with the spelling EXCULTABTUR. Missing the i. Thanks for any help.
  6. 1 point
    You guys have sold me all over again, I’m on it! 👍 PS and hey it’s absolutely 100% Stuart Stu Stupot Stupid or variants thereof!
  7. 1 point
    Thanks Richard. Three hammered in a day is good going, Its strange how you can go months without finding then a few in one day. Well done with your finds.
  8. 1 point
    Superb, Declan, you’ve been putting in the miles! Well done, m’friend!
  9. 1 point
