The most accurate relative rarity estimates remain Freeman’s, the sheer numbers of unsorted coins from circulation can never be replicated, and will be an accurate reflection of respective rarity of all but the rarest of pennies. But in terms of the coins you list the problem is selective hoarding of coins considered rare, while the rest went to melt. Thus the pool of coins now available to collectors does not reflect original mintage figures. To achieve equivalence you might for example have to look only at coins in the top grades, where survival is unlikely to have been affected much by modern collecting trends.
Thus, my own experience is;
I agree that F17 seems scarce rather than rare, perhaps overrated.
1867 is more difficult than the preceding 2 years, perhaps underrated.
F76 is excessively rare by comparison in any condition, I have no problem with R8. Much rarer than F69.
F79 is perhaps on a par with F17, scarce but can be found.
1875H remains difficult, on the same sort of level as F17 and F79 in the top grades, though vastly commoner at low grade for the reason given above.
Stick with Freeman estimates.