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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Busts 3 & 4 have the hair by the neck below the fillet treated differently. See below. right hand one is 4th bust. There is a list of die numbers somewhere, but I don't have it to hand. Maybe Nick or someone can help here.
  2. 1 point
    The consolidated list from the thread Useful Links. If you would like to add something here, post the link and description in this thread and I'll add it to the list and delete your post.
  3. 1 point
    Just got my yearly silver Britannia,bullion quality, there are 2 types so far for this year, same designs just different borders, rather a nice coin if you like modern, silver Britannia's have always been something i have collected, mainly just the bullion, there are many designs over the years,
  4. 1 point
    Easiest way to tell Davies obv 4 from Davies obv 5 is the tip of Victoria's bun. Davies obv 4 ends in a closed loop, Davies obv 5 ends in an open hook as per 1st picture. 1867 is the only year for which both obv 4 and obv 5 exist and there are two reverses, so 4 combinations; 4+A, 4+B, 5+A and 5+B. DN 16 & 17 are 5+B, DN 18 is 4+B, DN 23 is 5+A, all the rest are 4+A. The 2nd picture shows Davies obv 6 and obv 7. Both bun tips are closed loops but slightly different shapes. The Spink designations are Davies obv 4 (S.3904 & S.3905), obv 5 (S.3906A), obv 6 (S.3907A), obv 7 (S.3907).
  5. 1 point
    new variety here ;0)
  6. 1 point
    The Royal Mint Museum have said they will have reply on this subject some time next week
  7. 1 point
    bxh7, good spot. Pictures dont lie. I have just gone back through my '84 and '85 scans (of 30-40 coins), and though I think I can see one or two slight differences. I certainly haven't found your '85 small bb which is the stand out coin.. I'm not much good with these beads! I think the vast majority of both of my dates are large bb, with the odd smaller one. Some coins seem to have have a dozen large beads then a few smaller ones! I've just got my eye into 2p plume varieties. Maybe that is effecting my judgement Looking forward to seeing your results.
  8. 1 point
    Your a bugger Stewie.I tend to buy more books than coins nowadays.
  9. 1 point
    Here is a clogged die with more missing waves. A 1937 Penny with the horizon missing to the left of the lighthouse and waves also absent. Similarly on the rhs near the rim. I am still experimenting with the photography and will do better next time! Regard, Dave
