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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Very clear? I am pretty good with overdates and there might be a shout for a partial 1 inder the 2 but no way a 6 . Not from what is shown in pics
  2. 1 point
    I'm going to say no, I can't see an overdate, the die looked like it was a bit roiugh around the edges. Allcoinvalues has an 1872 which looks equally poorly formed. another die 98 shilling doesn't seem so bad. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GREAT-BRITAIN-Victoria-1872-AR-Shilling-PCGS-MS66-KM-734-2-S3906A-Die-98/182782553503?hash=item2a8eb06d9f:g:V4AAAOSwYkBZxTeD
  3. 1 point
    At least there is one reassuring piece of info in the email. He notes, 'now on wards' - presumably those of Dhoraji lunatic asylum.
  4. 1 point
    Exactly my problem god knows what I actually could be sitting on potentially. I must of looked at this coin 100 times but never for any specific reason until I noticed it is unlisted 1872 Die 108 BRRITANNIAR Shilling
  5. 1 point
    Fixed that for you.
  6. 1 point
    Wow, sorry to have missed that as I have ALL of the others since 1969. But I now have word of another, the owner reluctant to sell (ie won't sell it). Mick, did you buy it? Ooops, I just saw that you asked if I bought it! LOL! No, I wish. Unwilling, thanks for posting that as I hadn't seen the set offered before. The RM and the BoJ are both clowns when it comes to information on this or almost any other set. The former may not even know how many were actually net sold to collectors, the latter doesn't seem to know their A-- from a hole in the ground. They still have on offer since issue the 1992 and 1993 sets with same mintage limits at 45 USD per. The designs are so ugly that only crazy collectors like me even are interested. As a sidelight, after much pleading to look at stock BoJ was able to find me a 1999 set which is likely equally rare with nobody really caring either.
  7. 1 point
    Thats just my crap webcam I really should do some better pictures, too many sitting in boxes without a decent photo to their name, but then .. too much to do and not enough time to enjoy a pastime.
  8. 1 point
    Hello Colin88, Why don't you have a look at: "Survey of CGS vs PCGS/NGC Grades", which was started by Sword in this forum section on 20 Septe4mber 2015? I think the info you're seeking to find is presented in that posting for Victorian halfpennies. My contribution to that discussion uses actual graded results of the three TPG services of interest to derive the equivalences for that series of coins that were graded by CGS, PCGS, and NGC. Such a comparison can be made for any other series of coins by a similar treatment of the three service's population census data. It must be emphasized that the equivalences made only apply to the Victorian halfpenny data that was published at the time of comparison AND apply to the overall results, which are NOT necessarily applicable to a coin-to-coin comparison for equivalence! This topic (and TPG results, in general) is a thorny issue, but coin grading will never be an exact science with a fixed set or rules to follow because the preferences of the graders determine the results. (The degree of preservation (the definition of "grade") will always depend upon the grader's personal preferences for such elements as depth of strike, edge conditions, coloration, surface blemishes, toning spots, degree of wear, etc.). Only gross comparisons can be applied with any degree of confidence! Cathrine
  9. 1 point
    Picked up a rare 1874H 7 over 7 from our old friend Lucasz last week for £1.40.
