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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    To photograph edges, first get yourself an old fashioned torch. One with a central bulb and, more importantly, a reflector. Take out the reflector and throw the rest of the torch away. The new LED versions are much better anyway. Standing the reflector so that from above, it becomes a dish place your edge marked piece as horizontally as you can in this bowl. As you're lowering it in, check that you can read the edge description. i.e. it's not upside down. This makes the later stuff easier. Now as you hover over the coin with your camera at an appropriate angle you'll see the edge inscription reflected in the bowl you have created, only now it will be in mirror writing. Take your pics and then reverse them out in your favourite editing software.
  2. 1 point
    Good prices. I paid £40 for the pair about 10 years ago. Snap em up!
  3. 1 point
    I, for one do like the better specimens of coins. I don't think they are worth the premium in many cases. The problem with the 1951 and 1953 crowns is that I believe much as has been stated above, that I can pluck a specimen from a set that is an early and apparently "more special" strike and this to be virtually indistinguishable from some offered as "VIP". This is true in a slightly different way with the 1928-36 specimen Wreath crowns. IMO the TPGs and many others don't get it right. Caveat emptor!
  4. 1 point
    Starset Pink Floyd 3 Doors Down Nickelback Iron Maiden Theory of a Deadman Dire Straits Genesis Shinedown Puddle of Mud Marilyn Manson Seether Rev Theory it goes on and on (many new ones found due to spotify's "play similar")
  5. 1 point
    There’s this copy at £7 the other one is also on that site at £8.50 Equally I don’t think the latest new editions are that expensive new either. http://www.galata.co.uk/store.asp?storeAction=showDetail&stockID=6605 edit: I never understand why the Galata links don’t work, but you can search them with ‘north hammered’ on their site
  6. 1 point
    Newbie, Suffolk Woodbridge Penny Conder token, 1796
  7. 1 point
    Buzzcocks & The Specials Taking me back Peck
  8. 1 point
