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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Really pleased with this . thought it was going to be a dog but pleasantly surprised. Much better grade than I thought it was. Almost a serious coin
  2. 1 point
    Lovely half crown there Zoo.
  3. 1 point
    welcome, it sounds bizarre to tell you to do this.... but go onto the chinese website call aliexpress and do a search for british coins they are all counterfeit some to a high standard and look at them very closely. In fact I buy them on purpose to have a reference set they are a few dollars each most. Contemporary counterfeits are a different matter and are a part of coin history and also enjoyable to collect. They have become very sly in the last year and have started minting 1902 crows with the edge made of silver they cost £40-50 but [people will try to flog the rubbish on ebay and I think this is one of the main starting points for any new collector....KNOW THE FULL EXTENT OF THE FAKES. there are just some coins I won't collect anymore and sadly these rubbish things are entering the system through those with little knowledge ....fakes are bane of a collectors life. I had intended to make a website showing all the fakes but dont get the time...there are victorian half crowns the crowns the George the III crowns and half crowns and the shillings along with a whole spectrum of other coins and as a novice it is hard to tell. always be very aware of a coin with incredible rainbow toning its likely to be painted on. just be careful and buy yourself some cheap scales and if you get any silver or copper find the accurate weight and weigh your coins, they usually get this bit wrong, although you have to still be very careful. I have only been collecting three years and have discovered some wonderful things and coins helped me recover a lot from treatments as they help focus the mind. Enjoy it Larry
  4. 1 point
    Your right Richard Iv listed the Satin numbers they should be F22 F29 and F33 sorry Mick
  5. 1 point
    F27 would be a hell of a find - think you meant to type F22.
  6. 1 point
    Yes they were all genuine as i bought eleven and were spot on although all slightly different including Normal ,DFI and Broken stem , i looked carefully at them all before i picked out the best and sent some for grading. They were all found in one bag with some 1834 farthings of which i also bought a few and they were slightly different from each other REV A ,REV B , and W.w.
  7. 1 point
    Totally agree. My first £200 spent were on books. Without the knowledge you would be walking into a minefield . Plus they contain great pictures and what to look for . Always ask here if you have any questions or are unsure of something. There are probably some of the most knowledgeable in the coin world on this forum (excluding me of course)
  8. 1 point
    Hi Mick. The one you have as F24 looks to me like an F27 4+d The F32 looks like an F33 6+d And the F28 is really bad but I would guess an F36 6+g. Terry
  9. 1 point
    Iv just found this rare penny from the until now undiscovered '' HINTON '' Mint https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/One-penny-1912-The-rare-Hinton-Mint/153021969159?hash=item23a0d1f307:g:07MAAOSwDkta-bzR
  10. 1 point
    I should like to wade in here. I have found in the last 2 years all the rare overprints and number changes in just two years of collecting and I would say 100% that the reason for this is the careful removal of muck within the legend and date. In fact I think many things still yet to be found exist under said muck and in fearing this word cleaning (for which personally I would say is chemical or physical abrasion or alteration) we are left with a host of problems which might deter us from understanding a little more about the minting history or process. I believe for myself a coin can helps me understand social history and is a canvas/stage on which some interesting dramas tell us a little about the people and human errors. Careful use of water cotton buds and a carefully softened tooth pic can and have for me at least led to quite a few personal discoveries. If they one day become useful discoveries is yet to be seen, but the 1861 Z over N variety would never have been found without a tooth pic so I suppose we all make our choices. But then again the value of a coin is of little interest to me I do my research then give the coins away.
  11. 1 point
    It's somewhere else on the forum, but to save looking...
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I know it's a little bit in the FUGLY section but it needed a new caretaker and there aren't that many to be choosey about. 1879 narrow date penny.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    A couple of bank holiday pick ups. 1826 farthing 1827 1/3 farthing
  16. 1 point
    1817 Half crown D/T in DEI and I think it's Inverted 1 /1
