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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    No i never said that and obviously being new to the forum you are not aware of my views on dishonesty .....I also made a point of using HIM in block capitals . The person who bought it can ask and do what they want ,someone who didnt buy it or bid asking questions after it had sold i feel would not help the buyer. Some sellers unfortunately are not truthfull or honest and better to just avoid. it was quite hard typing as got a table cloth wrapped round me to see if the dapery on Britannia is correct All good fun. Pete.
  2. 3 points
    yes they are very difficult to locate. Always have either carbon deposits or that solitary verdi spot. Arrived this morning
  3. 2 points
    Another added to the collection. Not the best condition but Victoria 1886 my earliest one so far. The search still goes on from more of these. If anyone has any or finds any please let me know I am always interested in acquiring more
  4. 2 points
    Or the other favourite now imprinted indelibly in my memory "calls may be recorded for training or monitoring purposes" "may" be. Either they are or they aren't, Why not just say calls are recorded. Then it should be manifestly obvious that if needs be, your call be subsequently listened to unless they've messed up the recording. Just give straight. easily comprehensible logical facts, and no ambiguous BS.
  5. 2 points
    The replies usually start either "We value your custom..." or "We take customer service very seriously..." before going onto explain why they no longer value your custom or provide any customer service!
  6. 2 points
    Great that the ATM was kept, but this whole call centre culture which has developed over the last 20 odd years, and emanating from local closures (not just of banks) has definitely led to a significant drop in customer service standards. 1) The caller is immediately confronted with an array of annoying options, the intentions of which are sometimes unclear or overlap. 2/ Often it's difficult to actually get through to an agent, as you are patently discouraged from going any further via references to their website/experiencing high call volumes etc. 3/ When you do get through it often seems to be to the wrong person, and /or they have difficulty understanding you and you them, as English is not their first language. 4/ If you complain you either get a completely nonsensical reply - literally !!! Or they just defend the indefensible. Apologies just don't happen these days.
  7. 2 points
    Here's that "mule" I mentioned: https://www.spink.com/lot/16004000792 The moral of the story is: professional cataloguers don't always know what they're talking about!
  8. 1 point
    I'm not sure what you mean by "only FDC" as it's the highest possible grade? (French "fleur de coin")
  9. 1 point
    Now they ring you and some automated Stephen Hawkins starts asking you how you dealing with the car accident you supposedly had some months ago. Pretty tough to do unless I jacked a car and drove off with it lol and even worse they speak to you using your first name only and make it sound as if they are a friend just to get their foot in the door. I let them speak long enough to shout **** off
  10. 1 point
    My calls to HMRC or DWP invariably begin with me saying "This call is being recorded for quality and monitoring purposes". The calls that really infuriate me are when someone calls ME and then says "I'm going to take you through some security questions before proceeding with the main reason for the call." I always reply by saying "Hold on a moment - YOU called ME. You prove you are who who you say you are or I'm not answering any of your so-called security questions."
  11. 1 point
    Mine might do that as a bribe for some cut up into small pieces of finest fillet steak, warmed for 15 seconds in the microwave. Anything less and she'd tell me to clear off, but not quite so politely.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Thanks for the support! I find that I mostly end up selling small-beer stuff: low value foreign coins, decimal 50ps and £2s and some of the British Crowns (1965 to 1981) to youngsters. For all these I see my job more proselytising than making a profit. Once in a while I pick up a serious collector, but most of the sales to them are done through subsequent private meetings or negotiations via email. The other key reason for doing it is that occasionally someone will bring me "Granny's box of old coins" and that is generally the best source for exciting new stock!
  14. 1 point
    To be honest I really admire someone having a go on a market /car boot/ fleamarket , you really will have your work cut out gaining customers and as coin selling is so internet based now you have a real job on your hands - like I said full marks for having a go though.
  15. 1 point
    Can't help you Paddy apart from obverse 7 all the others look exactly the same to me and tbh bare no resemblance to the pics in the book. Horrible series to identify.
  16. 1 point
    If you read my post the part where I state "and I would feel the same or even worse if it was a a neighbour " and that meaning they are British doesn't excuse theft and I would act more angrily if it had of been a British person. All this political correctness BS turn the other cheek sorry not part of it. I call it as it is no matter where you come from scum is scum. It's just 1 particular country are scummier than the rest of the world in general. I am sure there are some decent ones. I am yet to meet any and that doesn't make me a racist whatsoever. When you have a community that has a heavy population of them you would understand my view point.
  17. 1 point
    Christ Almighty, Richard, what a bloody frustrating time you've had of it. What with non receipt, wading through the robots you have to deal with subsequently, and then finding the coin had gone to somebody dishonest. It's enough to put you off trading abroad for life. I'd certainly never buy or sell anything from/to Italy - that's a cert, given their reputation. Nor the other places you mention. Although so far I've been lucky in buying coins from the USA, and two from Australia, which have always duly arrived without having been opened.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    My attitude is that Britannia here is a heraldic device - designed for national pride rather than artistic critique, The bronze coins were produced for the masses. When folk are tired of playing with a broom handle, they could try to persuade their cat to sit upright like the lion on a George VI Scottish shilling
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    I took a whole dump when I clocked the price, but then they are never really "affordable" to me anyway
  22. 1 point
    Maybe eBay pay more attention to people reporting dodgy listings in the US than from elsewhere. It's a far more litigious society.
  23. 1 point
    Whenever possible I use CD mailers with two sheets of card either side of the coin. Been lucky so far, even with customs declarations attached.
  24. 1 point
    It's happened to me in this country too even sending a coin special delivery royal mail would not even accept responsibility for the loss they used the coin in a box story saying that the coin was not in a box. It arrived having been sliced open and stuck back Down £250 lost.
