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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I know this is no great shakes as a coin, but I believe this is another in your vein - 1566 threepence with lion over rose mintmark.
  2. 1 point
    I did not intend to repost this, however the forum software loaded it and I could not get out of it without submitting it.... That being said, thank you for your support in commenting favorably....
  3. 1 point
    OK . You have got my attention. It is good to see I am still remembered amongst the officionardos. How many varieties are there? Well I will give you a clue. When my daughter wants the children putting to sleep she says "Grandad tell them the story of the die varieties of the 1887 sixpences. It has become something of a joke in our family. Pekris has an odd one which was thought to be a pattern and may still be I have only seen 3. (2 are mine and one is his.) If you really are interested and can cope with the mind numbing minutiae it would be best to begin with the R/I of which there are more than a dozen. Then the various proofs:- R/I ,matt, YH , normal JH short serifs rev withdrawn, rev 3 , filled crown, broad ribbon , narrow ribbon. How anm I doing, have you dozed off yet? Pattern with SIX PENCE only R6 so available; Of course you could include the Spink & Son pattern sixpences in tin, copper, brass, silver, gold, aluminium.....................with or without Spink & Son on the reverse.......................with or without MADE IN BAVARIA on the rim....................and a few that have S&S on the trunk or JEB or are blank...............some of these are easily found there were a couple last month in DNW.........fast asleep yet. Come to Plymouth and we will have a chat. There are some easy ones you still have missing. Rob I am up over 350 counting all the repro stuff on the market
