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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2018 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Just upgraded my 1913 shilling, pics to come, I have found them the hardest of all. Here's my 1924
  2. 2 points
    Just received an Email from Fellows regarding increases in charges relating to some of the sites regularly used as alternative platforms to place bids at some Auctions. Fellows was the first Auction House in the UK to hold an online auction, since this point we have tracked the developments in technology and software across all the available bidding platforms to ensure that our bidders have the best possible options available to them when bidding on our sales. You may have read that one of the bidding platforms we use to run our sales, the-saleroom.com, will be increasing the fee it charges online bidders from 3% to 4.95% (5.94% including VAT) from 1st November 2018. We recognise that many customers use this bidding platform and wanted to make them aware of the increase as well as the other options we provide for online bidding: Bidding live via www.fellows.co.uk is staying at 3% (3.6% including VAT), this uses the-saleroom technology but is accessed via our website and you only have to register once with Fellows Bidding live via www.liveauctioneers.com is staying at 5% (6% including VAT) Bidding live via www.easyliveauction.com where you can bid for a flat fee of £3 Bidding with us direct by a telephone bid or leaving a fixed commission bid, both of these are at no extra charge Although the above relates to Fellows but I would be sure that similar applies to other Auction Houses that use these platforms.
  3. 1 point
    1895 CGS 82 BU £125......£85 1951 CGS 82 Currency BU £75........£55 1898 PCGS MS65RB........ £95 Prices include postage. Pete.
  4. 1 point
    Nope. I do too. Here's one of the better examples that I have of that era.
